An illusion disguised as love entered into my life. The illusion appeared during one of my most challenging and potentially vulnerable times. I knew that in my current energy I was not able to create all of the best experiences per the Laws of vibration and attraction. But I saw something Divine anyway. Actually I have been consistently working to raise my vibration and achieve a nice shine, renewed calm and power each day so is it possible she has finally arrived now? The One? my healer? My True Love? My Twin Flame? My Soulmate? Suddenly and quietly, I disappeared into this illusion and temporarily lost myself. I stopped practicing my yoga. I ceased doing the things I love to do. I pushed forward responsibilities and essential duties in total procrastination. I dishonored my health and time by being on the phone for hours on end. I neglected my loved ones even when they were ill and could have really used my love, light and positive encouragement. The problem was that during the...