WE are the Bringers of the Dawn

Bless up. I consider this beautiful classic work to be absolutely essential to the starseeds. For quite awhile this was my favorite book. Posting here now as I feel we could really use the highly activating love & light frequencies during this challenging “end game” time. For your spiritual and intellectual upliftment: Bringers of the dawn by Barbara Marciniak from 1992! Enjoy: https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/religion.occult.new_age/occult_library/Marciniak_B-Bringers_of_the_Dawn.pdf FYI In my opinion Barbara Marciniak had a clear connection with our Pleiadian star family during the time this book was produced. This work is full of Goddess energy and beautiful mysteries. Her connection undoubtedly changed from 1996 when she begin to express a more stern and even negative condescending tone at times. Maybe she channeled inner earth people or some kind of egotistical beings from then on, we can't be sure. Bringers of the dawn is certainly my most recommended, also Earth and Pa...