It’s me: A revelation of I am

I've been consistently cleansing in the cold North Pacific Ocean multiple times each day for the past month. At this point I don't need a wet suit for 50 degree water that feels warmer, even cozy, compared to the wind chill, grey clouds, and rain when I emerge back onto the beach. The past month has been a time of deep emotional clearing, energy recovery, Yoga, primal movements, barefoot sprints on the sand, and building connections to begin new activation work here on the Northern Oregon coast. Grand Rising. Sitting at the beach completely tuned into the soothing sounds and elements of one of the most healing and consciousness expanding places in our world, I experienced a spiritual epithany, a breakthrough moment in mysticism. From my inner consciousness and peace, I AM, I saw the outside world as me. It's me. It's all me, an extension of me, another me. The ocean is me. The sand is me. The clouds, the mountains, the birds, the people, all of the animals on the ea...