JUPITER Jupiter, on the 3D level consists of gasses with no solidity. There are jellyfish like creatures which are preyed upon by Tetradactyl like flying birds. At whatever density these creatures thrive, they continually fly for their entire life. The atmosphere becomes more dense lower in altitude, and less dense higher in altitude. The 6D realm of Jupiter is home to the Karistus, Archangelic people with wings. There are very large crystal cities with tall skyscrapers in 6D Jupiter. The Karistus are essentially the Kings of our Solar System and our Guardians. They are nurtures of life and fully benevolent. JUPITER'S MOONS Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, and Io all are in the primal early stages of supporting life. The lower consciousness life of these moons is being nurtured by The Karistus and are off limits to any ET explorers. VENUS The planet Venus, on the 3D level of our normal Human perception, is essentially, gasses. The real planet Ve...