Greetings🙏 I receive the information which I teach and share through this blog from myriad sources and unique abilities. Many of the skills I developed have been taught to me by my own Teachers in person, through training in various arts since the early 1980's. Through studying and developing abilities through various sacred arts including many styles of Yoga, and Shamanism/Medicine ways through fully initiated healers, I have worked over the years to Master myself, and accelerate the process of remembering more of who I am. My higher self often channels through into my writing here at The Source. In the case of this reveal, I have gathered some of the information through my links, and also some from experiences through a combination of my own Shamanic practice and Occult Yogic development techniques utilizing my 3rd eye vision projecting my consciousness up through my higher chakras. Using star maps and sometimes directly engaging with questions of where I have extended my vision can give me bearings at the least, but this kind of thing is not like clockwork so to speak. Also, in my case, I don't rely on telepathic channeling even though I have closer connections growing with my Angels and certain people from The Pleiades as well as The Arcturians. I ask questions when I can interface in person and fully feel or see the presence of another. In the case of my Pleiadian family and my Arcturian friends, I mostly ask and receive healing from them to clear my light, mental, emotional, and physical bodies. Thank you very much Star team!✨ They do a nice job.Only once in this incarnation have I been in the visual presence of a 5D Galactic Confederation officer (Pleiadian Man in a vivid blue one piece jumpsuit) which was for protection purposes shortly after my first remote viewing experience in 2010. Since then, the Galactics have been supporting me from a distance. The Arcturians, of which I am aware of three different variations of people, seem to be able to get closer to me than my Human looking Pleiadian family. Maybe these individuals are of The 6D reality or possibly even higher. If you have read my post about my interfaces with 4D people, you have the idea of what kinds of things I do. It is during these interfaces such as with The white scaled reptilian Woman when I can learn A LOT! Ok, here it begins, I reveal much more info with great details to my Metaphysics students than I will here on the blog. With this post, I will only share basic vague information on certain star systems and of the people who live there. Detailed information on Planets, Biology, and Cultures is included in Metaphysics 111 part 2 for dedicated students. Keep in mind that much of the sentient life existing in the Creation is of 4D reality and higher. Surface Earth Human reality is of 3D consciousness and able to see 3D down to 1D. Away to the cosmos we go:
The Cosmos: People of our Milky Way Galaxy By: Myself with major contributions from Sheldon Nidle and minor info provided by Alex Collier.
Many of the Andromedans appear nearly exactly as Humans. Some are of Nordic variation while others are generally Asian in appearance. Most can walk among humans unnoticed. Alex Collier is famous to have met with Andromedans.
Altairians appear much like Humans except they are most often taller and have larger, Almond shaped eyes. Their lips are extremely thin and they have sharp teeth. Their skin is often pale with a northern European or even albino appearance. Historically they are highly respected delegates and negotiators with a hierarchical society.
Epsilon Eridani
The People of Epsilon Eridani are great explorers, and scientists who consciously lead with the intelligence of their hearts! Generally they appear very Human like, with skin ranging from pale, to light red, and light blue shades. Most have distinct Almond "Asian shape" eyes.
Alpha Aries
The culture of Alpha Aries is celebrated for it's refined arts! Many of it's people appear much like humans, often with European like features with many different skin colors ranging from green, orange, red, blue, or ivory.
Eta Hercules
Eta Hercularians are close descendants to Sirians and appear as Humans with pale, light blue, or light red skin.
A diverse group of Scientists and healers, The people of Pegasus are of three main physical variations ranging from the very human looking type of slightly larger stature (over 6 feet up to 8 feet) often with orange or blue skin, a human-reptilian hybrid, and a hybrid type that appears to be a human/reptilian/feline combination.
Sirius B
Sirius culture, similar to Taygetan culture, values and honors TRUTH to the highest degree and in a most sacred way. The people of Sirius B have very European features with similar pale skin and also light reds and blues.
Nu Ceti
Nu Ceti's who live underwater in the oceans are related to our dolphins. The people who live on land appear as a short, thick, bear like bipedal being. Nu Ceti's are renowned for their interstellar travel technologies.
The Arcturians are generally considered to be the most Spiritually and also Technologically advanced culture in our Galaxy. Arcturians or oriented and focused on healing the rest of the Creation. There are at least three types: Tall, thin vivid Blue skinned people with large heads and large, dark, almond shaped eyes. A horse like Humanoid with a slightly protruding jaw like a horse, a mane of hair, with long and thin, delicate looking flowing fingers. The 3rd type has pale or light bluish skin and looks closer to humans with different shaped heads and countenances.
Alpha Draconis
The Alpha Draconians are very large Dragons. Many are positive oriented and work to keep the negative Dragons and other Reptilian and lizard types in check. They sleep 2/3 of their lives. One of my teachers is protected by an Alpha Dragon from 4D and absolutely no one will mess with her!!
Eta Draconis
Eta Draconians appear as a combination of crocodile, snake, and lizard humanoid beings. They have protruding jaws similar to crocodiles. Some of these beings may be the types special SSP forces have battled and only survived through the power of fearless love in their auras maintained at all times while in the presence of these Draco’s. Also of course they need to be taken out with rail guns and pulse rifles. Michael Jaco has explained these things on Gaia’s cosmic disclosure series.
Sigma Draconis
The Sigma Draconians are dragons, except much smaller than the Alpha Draconians.
The Bellatrixians are a Dinosaur/reptilian hybrid with protruding jaws and crocodile like tails. They are often around 8 or even 9 feet tall.
The Rigelians have a Scientist class and a warrior class. They are Reptilian/dinosaur hybrids.
The Mintakans are Amphibian bidpeds. They specialize in Mind manipulation and Psychology.
Alderbarians are skilled in diplomacy and the Arts. There is a Reptilian/lizard type with green, blue, or red scales often mixed with patterns of yellow, purple, or black. Also there is a somewhat more human like variation with tiny scales of bronze or beige color with hair similar to humans. The human type may have "cat like" eyes.
Alpha Piscis Austrini (Fomalhaut)
Two basic types of people from here range from Nordic looking Human types sometimes with tan or darker toned skin to a Dinosaur/reptilian biped type with a tail.
The Centaurians are highly compassionate and also technologically advanced. There are a few variations of people. The Alfratan Centaurians look essentially just like humans with varying skin of very dark brown to a light tan. Their hair can be black, blonde, brown, or red. The average Alfratan has a combination of features from all basic Earth Human variations. Considered by us to be "mixed looking or what I refer to as "multi ethnic". Alfratans are one of positive oriented Earth Human's closest allies! There is a reptilian type hybrid of the first variation, and a more full reptilian/lizard type as well. The latter has blue, green, or even red scales and very narrow hands with six thin fingers ending in sharp claws.
The Procyon culture is said to be very nurturing to others. There is a human looking type with large "Super Alert" eyes.
Tau Ceti
Some of the Tau Ceticians are known to be skilled pilots and navigators who may tune into any particular direction OF the cosmos to "hear" the octaves and discern where it is they are tuning into! Some of it's people have a bipedal bear like appearance while others are human looking with varying skin colors including green with orange hair.