Each ancient spiritually evolved soul who has at one point or another experienced Creation on the 5th Density level or higher has likely developed, as part of their higher dimensional energy bodies, a star tetrahedron sacred geometrical chariot of light. The Merkaba is developed and activated from the highest vibrations of LOVE. If a particular soul does not hold so much intrinsic love and compassion or is unable to express their love to others and the rest of the Creation, chances are they have not developed a Merkaba. Essentially all souls descended from Lyra and extending out to The Pleiades, Aldebaran, Sirius, Centauri, and many others, or virtually any planet or system existing on the 5D or higher planes have their own star tetrahedron merkaba as the higher aspect of their own spiritual light body energy field. The more negative lower vibrational or even neutral oriented individual Reptilian and insectoid types who have not ever ascended past 4D (lower astral) are lacking this spi...