Each ancient spiritually evolved soul who has at one point or another experienced Creation on the 5th Density level or higher has likely developed, as part of their higher dimensional energy bodies, a star tetrahedron sacred geometrical chariot of light. The Merkaba is developed and activated from the highest vibrations of LOVE. If a particular soul does not hold so much intrinsic love and compassion or is unable to express their love to others and the rest of the Creation, chances are they have not developed a Merkaba. Essentially all souls descended from Lyra and extending out to The Pleiades, Aldebaran, Sirius, Centauri, and many others, or virtually any planet or system existing on the 5D or higher planes have their own star tetrahedron merkaba as the higher aspect of their own spiritual light body energy field. The more negative lower vibrational or even neutral oriented individual Reptilian and insectoid types who have not ever ascended past 4D (lower astral) are lacking this spiritual development earned from an individuals intrinsic connection with our One Creator's all powerful Love and Light. Now we are going to discuss beginning to reactivate yours through meditation.
First of all, go ahead and imagine the geometry of your radiant star tetrahedron energy field around your own body. Take a good look at the graphics I have included. Your lower pyramid is always pointing down, and is the Divine feminine aspect of your Merkaba. She spins to the right. Your top pyramid is the Divine Masculine aspect of your Merkaba and is always pointing up. He spins to the left. Begin with ancient PRANIC BREATHING THROUGH THE NOSE 7 seconds fully inhale smooth and steady, and 7 seconds out smooth and steady. Maintain calm rhythmic pranic breathing. Breathing in this manner is most effective for oxygenating the brain and creating a calm focus. I personally perform most of my slow Hatha yoga sessions with pranic breathing. The merkaba and it's star tetrahedron geometry are created from LOVE, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Ignite love warmth from your physical heart and for a few breaths, breathe through your heart center as well. You can practice opening your 5th, 6th, then finally your 7th crown center by breathing through those next. Practice this culminating with breathing through the crown center and down through your entire physical chakra system. Keep breathing and generating your love. You are going to focus now on imagining your merkaba. Spin your bottom pyramid to the right. FAST. FASTER NOW. Spin your top pyramid to the left. FAST. FASTER NOW. Spin them REALLY FAST!!! Imagine the oscillation so fast that you can literally feel your vibration rising up! SHOOO! POWER! The merkaba is your own spaceship, literally! In the higher realms, you can fly with your merkaba fully activated and spinning at full vibration/speed. The merkaba is not separate from you, it is you! The merkaba is part of your own life force energy, chi, prana, and connection with God/Goddess. The Merkaba swirls. A beautiful star tetrahedron rainbow swirl. It is one part Love and one part knowledge. Love and Light. To fully activate your merkaba, you must feel unconditional love for all life in the natural creation. Generate and feel the love, imagine, and spin your star. Maintain your pranic breathing, love, and keep spinning. Practice.
It is wonderful to be aware of our true geometrical form on the higher planes. An intrinsic part of our multidimensional being is a star tetrahedrons of light with the color of the entire rainbow spectrum. When we do our merkaba meditation, we are convening with our higher selves. A powerful field of love with a fast spinning star tetrahedron makes a HUGE difference in our energy fields! You'll see. Use this for Creation as well as protection. Remember who you are and enjoy your merkaba meditation activation work! Feel free to message me if and when you get the spin. I would love to hear about your experiences. I highly recommend picking up a copy of The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life part 2 by Drunvalo Melchizedek for more in depth instructions and information about your merkaba and how to activate. All I have to do with those of you who already have developed a merkaba is to help you remember. That's easy! Seems I may be destined to one day help certain positive, service to to others' oriented natural, tech free, 4D limited souls to develop their own merkaba's so they can ascend to 5D. I won't let them down. I am always Divinely guided on my mission. Just be aware of your merkaba star tetrahedron of light and enjoy your meditation work to activate yourself on the higher planes of existence once again.
Full Joy!