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What TRULY is Metaphysics about? Breaking it all down, the word Meta means behind or beyond. Physics of course refers to physical matter. Metaphysics has historically been referred to as The Mother of all Sciences! Matter is simply a perception. It is a collective reality experience of physicality. Everything is composed of subatomic particles. Atoms, molecules, protons, neutrons, electrons, and quarks contain no intrinsic solidity at all. All of the building blocks of the perceived matter of the morphological are actually comprised of ENERGY. All energetic particles vibrate at specific hertz frequencies. Energy, frequency, and vibration create octaves of sound. Sound, vibrating at specific frequencies, create shapes and forms of Geometries. Cymatics is the science of sound and the Sacred Geometrical patterns formed by specific octaves of sound. During our initial look into metaphysics, we are going to study how subatomic particles, the building blocks of perceived matter, are actually octaves of sound comprised of energy, vibrating and expanding into the geometries of the perceived matter of our physical reality. We will become familiar with sacred geometry, the platonic solids, molecular geometry, and the unique octave densities or collective dimensional realities of the creation.
Welcome to the world of hidden (occulted) Science! Thank you for your time and interest aspiring to look deeper, to learn about the unseen and often unspoken. It takes a mind that has questions, and one that is not satisfied with what it has already been told, to delve into the ancient knowledge. An ambition to begin to be exposed to the vast knowledge which has been occulted to form the mainstream narrative. If you have ever enrolled in a physics class, your instructor may not have told you that on the atomic level of mass, there really is no mass! If your physics instructor did divulge this simple truth, this was a very high quality Physics class. Your professor may have known more, much more, but was not hired to teach Metaphysics! Let's read this again, ATOMS AND MOLECULES HOLD NO INTRINSIC SOLIDITY. There actually is no mass, within mass. Everything that we can perceive, and all of the spectrums of light that we are unable to perceive, the entire creation, is ENERGY. Are you sitting at your computer? On your couch? Do you think that your computer, chair, or couch is solid? Now you may begin to see, the answer is NO. It is all vibrational frequencies of energy which our agreed mental collective (reality) perceives as solid. Physicality is an experience, but it is still not actually physical. It is simply the collective perception of a certain reality. Physics is essentially a limited and left brained dominant perception of the creation, whereas Quantum physics affords a more wholistic usage of left and right brain, a bigger picture perception. Here In Metaphysics 111, we will be activating our analytical left brain, bigger picture right brain, and also the intelligence of our hearts, to explore and ultimately expand our perception of reality.
How did this grand Creation begin? Where did it start? Was it from the big bang? I don’t think so. The Big bang is a scientific theory which the world of occult science might not need to entertain. Metaphysics is not a theory or a philosophy, rather, it is an ancient knowledge that can be verified through the sacred geometrical proportions of nature and through experiencing the amazing sound frequency patterns of Cymatics experiments.
It may have started with a void. In the beginning, there was nothing except for a single consciousness. Suddenly, the ONE consciousness which all is an extension of, sparked into a movement of creative expansion. This spark was likely not some violent explosion, more like a peaceful awakening of awareness. The spark of consciousness would have consisted of the initial form of the photon, LIGHT. Now there was the void, and a consciousness (awareness). This consciousness also can be considered MIND. In this study, we will refer to this consciousness or mind as The Creator. If you prefer, you can also think of this beginning consciousness as SPIRIT, of course. This Spirit/Mind/Creator was the first ENERGY. This source energy, as with all energy, holds a vibration. The vibration of any energy always creates a frequency of sound. Keep this understanding in mind. In The Creator's awareness was a VOID, nothing. So, what did Creator do? He decided to create RELATIVITY, by imagining and then projecting a beam of his consciousness to form a line going in the middle of the void from one side to the other. Relativity. Now, The Creator saw two voids, one above, one below. The beginning of a positive and a negative. A masculine and a feminine. The beginning was started through relativity. Next, The Creator projected a line going from the center of the top to the bottom. He Created the four directions. Now he could perceive up, down, right, and left. The beginning of North, South, East, and West, along with up and down, in the void. Now six directions! His projections extended and expanded in ALL directions now, including "behind" him. What next? Creator projected a sphere entirely around him. Now he was essentially consciousness inside of a sphere. He was in the center, looking at something like this:
Image #1 Loading
Please note that the eye of Horus in the center of this image is the symbol of spirit/mind/creator (There were mystery schools in ancient Egypt of both the right eye and left eye of Horus, symbolizing the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine teachings) (The following drawing is credited to the great Drunvalo Melchizadek, from his classic work "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life")
To continue forming the (sacred) Geometries which we are going to look at, Creator next connected the ends of the first directions, forming two diamonds. Then he would likely have formed a square around the edges of the now six directions and two triangles. The Geometry looks like this:
Image #2
If you wish to know all of the details about the six days of creation and the very roots of Sacred geometry, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of life is for you! I have posted a pdf of both part one and two on this blog for your reference. We are not going to spend too much time looking at what has already been revealed by Drunvalo Melchizadek here with Metaphysics 111, this is simply to provide an idea of the beginning for you, as his interpretation of this remains very respected. This course is not a duplication of any other works, however 1 plus 1 equals 2 so to speak. Creator was in a sphere at this point. His/her first movement created another sphere which is called the Vesica pisces and looks like this:
Image #3 The first movement of God/Goddess
With further movements and projections of spheres, The Creator had gradually created what is called the Genesis pattern seen here:
Image #4
Little by little, movement by movement, He/She created the Flower of life pattern which contains the geometries for ALL LIFE in The Creation seen here:
The geometry of the "cosmic dance" of Earth and Venus around the Sun! (This should open your eyes a bit more)😃
Now let's talk about the Platonic solids. At this point Mind/Spirit/Creator had already formed the Geometries for the Platonic solids:
Image #6
Keep in mind that The platonic solids are part of Mind/Spirit/Creator, so they are energy, consciousness. As I explained in the introduction, All energy vibrates at certain hertz frequencies. Energy vibration is the makeup of sound, which is measured in Hertz frequency. All faces of each platonic solid are equal. Each platonic solid is the basis for structure, and each is of a particular energy vibration. Now we are on to progressing into Cymatics, The science of sound, and we are going to first look at Atoms, Molecules, Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, and Quarks. Now we realize that these subatomic particles are energy vibration, and we will be able to recognize their Sacred Geometrical proportions.
Notice the Geometries of the Atom, The beginning unit of our perceived matter.
Image #7
Image #8
Image #9
The Creation, and it's vibration, EXPANDS. With it's expansion from The Atom, to the different Molecules, to the quarks.
Image #10
Image #11 (notice the expanding fractals of complexity in the Geometries of glucose and caffeine)
Image #12
There are two up quarks and one down quark. Above and below. Notice the spheres and the formation of a Triangle in a quark. We are still looking at the patterns of vibration as there is nothing but energy and a particular frequency of sound here to create the Geometry of this quark. Soon you will be noticing, and becoming familiar, with the Geometries of all life in the natural Creation.
Now let's take a break and go watch a quick video on youtube! The modern day discoverer of Cymatics, The Science of sound was Hans Jenny. Now watch and listen to this:
We have now seen how The Natural Creation began with the Source ONE Consciousness/Spirit/Mind/energy/vibration/sound which created relativity by projection, and expanded into the Sacred Geometries which form the basis for our perceived matter.
What about numbers? Have you ever heard that "numbers are in everything" or "The universe is Numbers"? Well, this is true, it's just not All
of the information as you now have seen. Numbers come from, and intrinsically are, relativity, angles of geometry, and units of vibration. There are a total of ten numbers. Each number has a specific meaning. In the world of the Occult, there are many measurements of the meanings of numbers. If you wish to delve deep into Numerology from an Angelic perspective, as I do, look here:http://sacredscribesangelnumbers.blogspot.com/p/vibrations-of-numbers-0-to-10.html
The core meaning of each number is often agreed upon as:
0. Source
1. Masculine or electric
2. Feminine or magnetic
3. Trinity (could be Mother, Father, Child) (The Sacred Trillium Flower is shown in the image below)
4. The four directions
5. The Humanoid 2 arms 2 legs and a head
6. Goddess 666=Divine Goddess
7. Spiritual/God intervention
8. Infinity
9. Completion/God
*Numbers do not have any negative meaning as they were created by God/Goddess. Some numbers have been twisted by certain groups who are disconnected from Source, possibly to create fear as to not be aware of the true divinity of these numbers. Do you think that certain religions are afraid of The Goddess?
Trillium Flower (Trinity)
We now conclude part 1 of Metaphysics 111: The mysteries revealed with familiar images of Sacred proportions. Enjoy
Next we will start part two by looking at the different realities of perceived matter as unique densities of collective octave vibration. Applying what we learned in part 1, we will begin to study some of the consciousness in the universe, namely our Milky Way Galaxy, and look at the mechanics and ratios of the different octave realities (called densities) and physical forms these consciousness express themselves as. Prepare yourself for a big shift in gears, we are GOING GALACTIC!
PART 2 (quick introduction)
To begin, The different Densities or realities with our corresponding Chakras are listed below. As Humans, we are multidimensional beings. The root of HU means God or light.
As beings experiencing The 3rd density or 3D, We are able to perceive 1D, 2D, and 3D, nothing above with normal physical vision. Realize now that the higher realities are similar to radio stations, all octave frequencies which can quite possibly be tuned into by changing the “channel” of the “antennae” of mental energy, hardware of the brain, and with activation of our 3rd eye vision.
1st Density: Rock and Mineral Kingdom- 1st Chakra- Root- survival
2nd Density: Plant and Animal Kingdom- 2nd Chakra-Sex and satisfying sexual expression
3rd Density: Surface Earth Human reality-3rd Chakra-solar plexus- Will power
4th Density: The realm of Love/lower 4th love for self(some egotistical beings here) /higher 4 love for self and others- (Fairies, Elven, Dragons, and other Reptilian types) 4th Chakra -heart center-Love
5th Density: The realm of Truth (Pleiadians, Arcturians) 5th Chakra- throat- Truth spoken
6th density: The realm of seeing God/Goddess in all things (Guardians) 6th Chakra- seeing God/Goddess in all things (Pineal)
7th Density: I am God/Goddess (Archangels) 7th Chakra -crown -I am God/Goddess
8-12 is all pure love and compassion- Our higher self is situated somewhere high up in these Angelic octaves
OK, So what have I revealed to you so far? We learned that ALL of the NATURAL creation is an extension of the ONE INFINITE CREATOR. I explained how everything is consciousness, energy, frequency, vibration, and octave. I showed you some of the basic, building blocks of Geometry which this consciousness vibrates into form. I shared a cymatics experiment video to show you how sound frequencies create geometries. Applying the information in the first part of our Metaphysics training, can you now see that even the rocks are energy? Consciousness as well? Apply this to your understanding of our Solar system now, is there life out there? Are the rocks on Mars conscious and an an extension of The Natural Creation? Of course. How about the elements? The winds, The gasses? are they part of Spirit? You now realize that all planets have life in at least the 1st Density kingdom. Also you have now learned that in our perception we can perceive 1D-3D, and not the realities above. The planets themselves, are alive. You also should be able to now see that the Sun, his electricity and photons, are also conscious and an extension of the ONE Creation. Natural energy is consciousness. Life is conscious. Souls are conscious. We are all a part of the ONE Creation. The mainstream narrative can be traced back to families, also known as the Cabal. These families are isolated, different than the rest of the People, they align with and practice certain dark occult religions associated with Lucifer, Transhumanism, the artificial creation, and the anomaly.
Note to the potential Metaphysics adept: Up to this point, have you been ok relying on their corporations and excessively limited narrative to provide most or even all of your education to greatly influence your view of reality? Diversify! When I was a Freshman in College, in 1995, I had enrolled in a Sociology class my first semester. My Professor had stated more than once that today's Human beings are on average only using about 10% of our brains! I got an A in this class by the way. I also earned an A in each and every one of my Psychology classes. Anthropology class was more difficult for me to keep my mouth shut and capitulate, I got a D. Good! I pissed off that Professor multiple times. If we evolved from Apes, why are there still apes? But I thought you have been saying that they evolved into us? That was just the beginning argument. Even at that time, Scientists had already publicly stated that stardust contains bacteria! In order to get an A in Anthropology, I would have had to capitulate. I am not here to deny my own souls' intelligence! Many people who are indoctrinated into the mainstream seem to operate from a kind of corporate induced mental trance of memorized facts of a largely false narrative. Theories and facts of a specific narrative are not called truths. It is difficult to really be able to think outside of the box which they have paid to get themselves into. Most don’t realize the symbol of the square graduation cap being a Masonic mortar board meaning “squared by a secret society”. Virtually each of my family members have Phd's or at least Master's degrees and are unable to answer certain questions which, to me, seem very simple and logical, if not highly important. It's sad. What a waste of brilliant minds! Of course I am the certified "black sheep" of my family. My professor of Native American studies told me in his office one day that he was restricted in divulging certain ancestral knowledge and information to his students, and this "hushing" was not from his own people. Just what was all of this restrictive fear about? Experiences like this helped me to think, and make the effort to find more of the answers, eventually entering the world of the occulted information. Facts are not called truths for a reason. It's just a part of their narrative. The 2nd "Law" of Thermodynamics has recently been debunked by quantum physicists as false. Universities at this point as far as I am aware are still teaching this as a fact. What's the 5 plus year holdup on updating the info? They would have to change much of the rest of their narrative which holds together their control system. Has your Universe been the city? Cities are corporations. We each have freewill, every action we take is our choice. Developing outside of the box is a more challenging path, with different rewards than going with the mainstream flow. Sometimes you will have to swim against strong currents, which can gradually develop a stronger swimming stroke:) Indoctrination can be undone through education. Education must contain light, or truth. The truth about Metaphysical Science is: Other than the space between, It's all alive out there. In one form of reality (density) or another. Each of us is an individual particle extension of THE ONE INFINITE CREATOR. Stay tuned to the higher frequencies which nullify negativity: Love, Compassion, and Gratitude 🙏
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Beautiful soul. My friend. I have some questions for you. How are you choosing to use your freewill? Where is your consciousness focusing? What thoughts are you generating? What thoughts are you entertaining? Are too many stressful thoughts looping around in your head to effectively form the neuro plasticity of your brain to these unpleasant energies? What does your body tell you? How about your emotions? Do your emotions generally feel enjoyable and light, or troubling and dense? If your thoughts, emotions, and body are not oriented in the way you wish to experience....why are you choosing this for yourself? If you feel the need to cry, find the way to let it all flow out. Release. We are going to let the drama go and shift back into alignment with Source again. May I remind you that you are a divine eternal being of infinite freewill and potential. The beauty and power of being in alignment with Source. By focusing, pointing, and projecting your consiousness inward a...
Namaste🙏 ❤️ To live and operate within The Laws we must be fully conscious and knowledgeable of the actual Laws. Human beings can merely create rules as Laws are already intrinsically designed into the natural creation by our One Infinite Creator. To align all of our chosen actions with the spiritual Laws of The Creation is pure mysticism, power, and a key to not only realizing our full consciousness, but also the key to being a co-creator of the One. In this post I will compile and explain the Universal Natural Laws, also referred to as The Prime Laws. Study, align your life, and enjoy both the powers and endowments of the True Laws. This will be a work in progress so check this crucial post again and again whenever you feel guided. We all know The Laws from our higher self level, but embodiment comes with a trade of gaining sensuality but also the subconscious. We may need to study The Laws somewhat continually to gradually bring them to OUR FULL MENTAL AWARENESS for co-creative coa...