Knowing vs Believing vs Thinking. Being open to learning and seeing more...
Knowing comes from two sources, an experiential knowing, and also the knowing from clear intuition, the inner guidance, or gut feeling. The inner guidance is often a fleeting soft whisper which is most often countered immediately by the mind, our thoughts, or the established societal "paradigm" programming of the mainstream narrative. Listening, hearing, and ultimately acting on our inner guidance is kind of like an art to develop in itself. It requires sensitivity, self respect, confidence, and being able to clearly recognize and honor our own intrinsic intelligence. KNOW. Knowledge also comes from an education based on truths which can be verified and seen with clear and complete indisputable evidence. A mainstream education from any University is not composed of so many truths, except for example what is seen and experienced learning in a Chemistry or Biology lab looking at micro organisms under a microscope, dissecting a frog, or conducting live chemistry experiments. Certainly not everything in mainstream school is sophisticated corporate propaganda, such as psychology, but unfortunately the reality is that much additional info needed for a complete grasp of a certain discipline of knowledge is either missing, erroneous or even false to begin with. The city (group of people behind the corporation) is the universe to the mainstream scholar. University = Universe is the city (corporation) Indoctrination and memorization is not education. Facts are not called Truths. Is the information "peer" reviewed to maintain the limited and largely false narrative? Yes. Does this rigid structure suppress creativity, new ideas and revelations, breakthroughs, growth and evolution? By design, yes it does.
ASPIRE. Are you an aspirant? Your eyes are here on this blog, Yes you are an aspirant. The aspirant has questions and searches outside of the corporate mainstream narrative to find answers. The aspirant wants to KNOW more. The aspirant BELIEVES there is more.
BELIEVE. Belief is a form of Faith. Rock solid faith is a component of personal creation and manifestation. Beliefs could very likely have been formed in previous lifetimes, the experience which formed the belief does not have to be conscious, but is firmly held in the spiritual body. Be live. Believe.
Pure Occult knowledge and practices should activate spiritual memory. Bringing knowledge of the self, the multiverse, our relationship of oneness with the Creation to our consciousness again. REMEMBERING.
Thinking alone without knowing, believing, or feeling is not power. Using the mind together with our feelings is DISCERNMENT.
Hope = weak
I have a close friend who grew up in various countries in Europe including Russia, Sweden, Denmark, and Spain. She also spent considerable time in Turkey, Italy, and France. Sometimes she makes fun of me for only being able to speak English. She has a point for sure. I grew up in Washington, Oregon, and California. I am familiar with Spanish and French but cannot speak or write these beautiful languages with any considerable mastery to communicate. I have however, developed a masterful command of the English language, both written and spoken. I demonstrate my mastery of English to her from time to time by helping her to understand the dual and often tri meanings of English words. Did you realize, real eyes, real lies, that in English, one can Understand, Innerstand, and ultimately Overstand words and information? Real eyes.
Symbols. Let's take a look-see at Leonardo's canon:
It's easy to see the Sacred Geometry here measured from his body. The circle, the square, and the triangles. Now look at his body alignment. Do you see the cross? (Arms straight out, feet close together) Can you see the mainstream peace symbol which is the opposite of the tree of life meaning death? (wide stance) Can you see the tree of life symbol? (Arms up) How about the 5 pointed star? Two arms two legs and a head, the universal symbol of the Humanoid.
(fyi Dark ones always use a mirror to reverse the truth because they are the opposite of Truth, Life, and the natural Creation, The ones in the dark have become disconnected with Source and follow a dogmatic religion which is the opposite of spiritual or anything Divine)
Leonardo was DEEP. Not only was his famous ingenious canon symbol full of Sacred Geometry, he was showing us the symbols of DUALITY we have existing here on our beloved Terra. Teachings, disclosure, symbols. Could you see all of that before? Imagine what else is flying over our heads!
Let's take a look at this image of the religious figure Jesus. Notice his face. There are two different faces placed together here. A face on the left and an different face on the right. Why do you think this is? This image is not of Jesus. CHRIST IS THE SPIRITUAL ORDER. Jeshua was one of many people who walked the Earth to spread the teachings of Christ. There were many Christed ones of all cultures and skin colors around this globe. Christianity and especially the Catholic church has NOTHING to do with CHRIST and everything to do with the anti-Christ. Thinking about the bible, we know of the story of Caine and Abel. Caine ate Abel those are the cannibals! Yes it would seem we have people (tribes) who are descended from Caine, and many tribes are descended from Abel. Yes, our Human bodies are hybrids which can host any number of different souls from many unique star systems. Descendants of Caine, and certain non human non Lyran/Pleiadian soul groups are here in Human bodies looking like the rest of us but are oriented very differently on the inside. The vast majority of Humans who are socio/psychopathic are of negative Reptilian or insectoid soul groups and/or are the descendants of Caine. We can see that Christian/Catholic priests often wear all black with a little white square under their throat as a symbol of saying a few little things that sound holy but the rest of them is pure darkness. Everyone should know by now that the root of all evil on earth comes from the jesuits and the catholic church (vatican). It's pure Satanism from reptilians. What about Islam? I have learned that The prophet Muhammad was very likely a bringer of Christ consciousness who indeed had a solid connection to Archangel Gabriel and was of the light! The prophet walked 7 times around the Kaaba to the RIGHT in the direction of the Divine Feminine and spinning of the chakras. He instructed his followers to do the same but they were turned against him by the forces of darkness and did the opposite, walking 7 times to the left as Muslims still do to this day. Is any oppression or mistreatment of Women a spiritual practice of the light? Hell no! Religion has to do with idolatry and idolatry is about ego. Thoughts of inferiority under others or superiority over others is the Anti-Christ. All religion is anti spiritual. Clear and simple. Only ego requests worship. Religion= bullshit for idiots. The Spiritual path is for the aspirant.
I remember Sean Stone saying on his show on Gaia tv many years ago that "The road to enlightenment requires constant reassessment"
What do I know? What I know is nothing compared to what I can learn. What can I see? What I can see and have seen is nothing compared to what is out there to discover.
These days, I don't get excited or swayed by any information that I don't KNOW, can't see, or verify with real actual evidence. It's cool to see Cobra's blog updates on our Victory of the Light. Until I am physically holding my star family in my arms on one of their cruisers (or mine), or see the EBS and the Alliance made info movie disclosing deep truths on every major TV channel, can see the dispersal of QFS GESARA St. Germaine funds to myself and all other hard working honest people around the globe, until poverty is erased and the Alliance has installed and made quantum healing medical beds available to all, yeah until Galactic Motherships are decloaked in our skies hanging there in beauty and grandeur, I will still keep going, keep manifesting what I want and need to do every day, and keep serving the cause, generating and sharing my light as much as I possibly can, following my intuition every moment and feeling gratitude for everything and all resources around me including all opportunities presented in my life. We have come a long way and are still not a liberated galactic level culture here....just yet. Keep working to get stronger, attain a higher vibration, and hold more light, getting closer to our star family as they work to get closer to us. Meeting in Divine right time.
The moral of this post? Know, Believe, See, experience, verify, be open to see and learn more. Stay on the path to greater enlightenment. Every day and every now moment is an opportunity, a gift, a possibility to grow and learn more.
Full blessings and gratitude to Dante for serving the cause, patiently helping the aspirants to see, and uniting the warriors of the light.