Special message to the Tribe
I woke up from a nice, interesting dream this morning (I really don't have nightmares), took my shower, and got on my yoga mat as usual. Completed a blessed yoga sesh and felt really good. Shortly after I suddenly felt very emotional and stressed for unknown reasons. I couldn't write anything good, being unable to channel my higher self. I felt like crying. It's difficult for me to cry. Years of being conditioned not to cry since I was a boy. I went into the forest and felt like staying there...I prayed. The energies are really intensifying now. It's leading to stored emotions coming to the surface to be cleared...The animals around me are acting differently. They can feel it too. There will be fear and aggression from those who are not aligning with the light. Expose'. The rest of us just need to ground, earth, connect with nature, drink more pure blessed water, and be sure to move our bodies to build a vibration to match these energies. Wow. Major shift and intensification of the Ascension NOW! Events are coming for sure. There will be surprises. We are getting closer to aligning with the higher realms every moment. Just take it one day, one hour, one now moment at a time.
Tribe: take great care and be good to yourselves