I arrived in Malta yesterday. I am here on a spiritual mission involving meeting with the Masters of Gozo, conducting sacred heart meditation based gridwork, and healing myself from some long accumulated stresses. The energies here are very unique as are the local cultures. Right away I noticed a stress free tranquility and happiness. The local cultures are a unique mix of Italian, Sicilian, and Arabian Tunisian and Turkish. The Maltese language has a nice word and tonal combination of Italian and Arabic. The Island of Gozo has a different accent than the larger island Malta and is more Italian in essence with more of the Arabic language mix on the main island of Malta. The day before I arrived the islands were hit by an epic sized thunderstorm which dropped many centimeters of rain, so much heavy rain in fact that a portion of the limestone and soil of the lands washed away into the sea. The wonderful, outgoing and genuine locals reported to me that it hadn't rained here s...