I arrived in Malta yesterday. I am here on a spiritual mission involving meeting with the Masters of Gozo, conducting sacred heart meditation based gridwork, and healing myself from some long accumulated stresses. The energies here are very unique as are the local cultures. Right away I noticed a stress free tranquility and happiness. The local cultures are a unique mix of Italian, Sicilian, and Arabian Tunisian and Turkish. The Maltese language has a nice word and tonal combination of Italian and Arabic. The Island of Gozo has a different accent than the larger island Malta and is more Italian in essence with more of the Arabic language mix on the main island of Malta. The day before I arrived the islands were hit by an epic sized thunderstorm which dropped many centimeters of rain, so much heavy rain in fact that a portion of the limestone and soil of the lands washed away into the sea. The wonderful, outgoing and genuine locals reported to me that it hadn't rained here significantly in many months. The place was so fresh and clean when I arrived. I've been in the water since and soaked up some of these fair 36 degree north latitude October sun rays. Some colorful little jerk fish bit my feet in the water and kind of made me feel uncomfortable although they couldn't break the skin. Good thing I brought my speedo water shoes as many beaches here are rocky and also you have to watch out for poisonous rockfish among some other hazardous sea creatures including various jellyfish, which are common in waters all over. I am tired from my flights going from Portland up to Iceland for a few days (Volcano flight!) (more on Iceland later, it's wonderful), then down to Milano, Italy for the night and finally down to Malta! During the three day journey I didn't sleep except for a snooze on my yoga mat in the Milano Malpensa airport. I spent 15 Euros alone on amazing creamy cappuccinos and Espresso in Milan before my flight down to Malta. I needed the caffeine and am always so impressed of how good all the food and beverages in Italy are compared to The U.S. Even our high end baristas in California do not serve this kind of creamy quality! Certainly I have traded an decade and a half habit of smoking ganja and drinking alcohol on occasion to gourmet dark roast coffees. Everyone has a vice right? Will update as the mission to Malta continues...🙏💖
Hey guys so my I phone "blew up" in a power surge with the converters in Italy and now it does not charge. Frustrating thing is being here without a functioning cell phone as I have only my laptop and can only communicate and conduct business via email...I have a backup classico Iphone 4 so I will take some pics with that and post whenever is clever 😎