LIBERATION UPDATE #2 The clearing of the dark and arrival of the light

Namaste🙏 The powers of the light are making wonderful progress with our liberation and ascension process, penetrating the matrix tech, powerfully clearing and nullifying the strength of the low vibrational forces of darkness on and under our planetary surface. On a personal microcosmic level, I have been able to greatly progress with my own healing and development in new and exciting ways over the past couple of months. I’ve been on an adventure, have grown considerably, and also cleared much emotional sludge while obtaining a new deep level of calm and finesse in my presence and physical body. Situations that would have been extremely frustrating and challenging for me in the past have transpired in my new experiences with both grace and gratitude. Minuscule thoughts or feelings of worry and perceived stress have been overpowered with faith, positivity, and by my new state of deep calm, manifesting as smooth and even “lucky” experiences. IT’S ALL ENERGY....