LIBERATION UPDATE #2 The clearing of the dark and arrival of the light


    The powers of the light are making wonderful progress with our liberation and ascension process, penetrating the matrix tech, powerfully clearing and nullifying the strength of the low vibrational forces of darkness on and under our planetary surface. 

On a personal microcosmic level, I have been able to greatly progress with my own healing and development in new and exciting ways over the past couple of months. I’ve been on an adventure, have grown considerably, and also cleared much emotional sludge while obtaining a new deep level of calm and finesse in my presence and physical body. Situations that would have been extremely frustrating and challenging for me in the past have transpired in my new experiences with both grace and gratitude. Minuscule thoughts or feelings of worry and perceived stress have been overpowered with faith, positivity, and by my new state of deep calm, manifesting as smooth and even “lucky” experiences. IT’S ALL ENERGY. 

Both feelings and physical signs of our beloved Star family, Galactic confederation, Ashtar command, and The Galactic fleet positioning themselves ever closer to our surface are here:  





Also there is a very recent worldwide phenomenon being observed with large groups of animals moving together in circles and spirals. Intuitively for me this is showing that they are opening portals to accept the new higher cosmic energies which are exponentially flooding onto our surface and deep into our Mother Earth’s core. The animals don’t seem like animals any more to me, they are people who are deeply connected with Source!💫


I encourage each of you dear and dedicated readers of this blog to continue your own personal daily shadow work to raise your vibrations to get closer to our ascension goals and to eventually resonate energetically with our star family! 

Do not get caught up in the game. Hold your space, shine, share, and uplift with your light and maintain an open heart and attitude of gratitude. 

I am calm, I am confident, I am action, I am courageous, I am encouraging, I am loving, I am gracious, I am forgiving, I am compassion, I am a provider, I am electric, I am solid, I am strong, I am power, I AM DIVINE MASCULINE! 




About Elon Musk. It should be clear to readers of this blog that EM is a transhumanist. He has stated that any Human who does not merge with a machine (brain implant from his company Neuralink) will soon become “obsolete”. Neuralink has tortured monkeys to death in experiments. EM lately is exposing himself as a worshipper of Baal even on his official twitter account as well as mainstream news pictures including RT wearing a blood red armored suit of Baal with the goat head and horns on the upper torso: 

It has been relayed to me that EM’s Starlink satellites are a total lie and do not really exist. It’s just fake news to fill the minds of The People with more misinformation to further distort the collective thinking away from truth. Also, Tesla corp has nothing to do with the real Tesla and should not be named such. Electric car batteries cause huge environmental destruction due to the lithium mining. Reports that up to 12 acres of nature are decimated to produce just ONE electric car battery. Until we have access to the solution, which is magnetism, I’m sticking with a jeep or pickup truck for long distances and walk whenever possible especially if I can take a route partially through a park or natural area to get to destinations within 3-4 miles away. Certainly I will not entertain anything any politician or transhumanist Luciferian says. These Corporate people are not spiritually aligned and seem like a completely different species to me so I don’t pay any attention to their consciousness. They are a gang of compromised liars working for the Cabal. The Right wing and Left wing are two parts of the Eagle, just a friendly reminder not to get caught up in the game or support any side of the dark. The LAW breakers and Violators’ fate is being sealed as the light is catching up to them. There will be no escape. 

To the UN servants reading this blog: Consider taking a step towards the light (Truth and Law) as many of you are great people who have simply become cogs in the corporate wheel and have become accustomed to the lifestyle. You have full personal autonomy and can begin to work for the light if you so duly choose. The light is all around you and inside of you it can be fully shining again. Your AI notifies you to check my posts. I can see. My work is for you too. I would be happy to meet with many of you and help teach and provide you with the info and positive energies that you may be missing. We could begin to heal and grow one person and one nation at a time until all of Europe, The US, and the rest of our beloved planet is living in the light. So take off your neck ties which are a symbol of the controllers having you by the neck, head home and get a yoga mat on the way, finish reading the info on this blog, message me to meet with you and your friends in Brussels, and let’s do it! 


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