Exonerating our Women: Exposing the Jesuit Reptilian Biblical Lies

 Dear Souls. Any oppression or negativity towards Women is The Anti-Christ. The true story of Adam and Eve went more like this: The serpent in the bible who is said to have fornicated with Eve was actually a Pleiadian Man and not a reptilian. The Pleiadian Man gave Eve (Lyran descent) knowledge which Eve in turn gave to the Reptilian enslaved male Adamus (Lyran descent) which lead the enslaved Adamu into a rebellion for their freedom over their slave masters. Ever since this happened the reptilians have absolutely despised Human Women. They have used torture and shame propaganda to disempower Women for thousands of years. The cellular trauma and programmed lies run deep, and have been the most malevolent punctuation of our natural human equilibrium, negatively impacting virtually every Woman's life, so also Men, causing much greater challenges in our relationships and connections with each other. The reptilians have been acting multidimensionally to diminish the sacred power of the human Woman, and punish us all for Eve's loyalty and love for The Human Man, The Adamu. Seek the knowledge of Christ, and not the reptilian produced propaganda of the bible. King James actually published a book on demonology before his reptilian overlords advised him to contrive the false light propaganda of his version of the bible. Virtually any religious publication is sourced from or heavily influenced by the reptilians. Simply use your discernment to identify elements of idolatry, guilt, control, fear, shame, and rewards for following their rules. God fearing? Of course they want us to fear them, as it has always their main tactic for control. Fear deactivates the amygdala, which is considered the reasoning center of our brains. To be in shame is another one of their tactics for us. Shame drains the willpower and drastically lowers vibrational frequency. Shame and fear leads to narcissism, a challenging situation where dense emotions and negative thought forms begin to control a persons behavior, and the toxic projections of blaming others begin. Certainly even the true meaning of the words in the bible are not well known. How about this one: Genesis= Genes of Isis. Do you want more knowledge so you're not going around naked in Eden? Now at least you have some underwear to start with! Allow this light to soak in and see how it begins to undo more of their deeply embedded lies. Eve was not tempted, she was a hero and deserves our full redemption!  

Blessings of the most high,


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