A vivid, focused, imagination (Image I nat ion=Create Images with your source electricity) is an element of Shamanic practice. When performing distance healing work, the Shamans could focus their consciousness, attention, and energy to the place and person they are working with. To prepare for this work, the Shaman will connect with his or her spirit guides, Angels, Archangels, Christ and the violet flame, Ascended allies, Star family, Terra, Sol, Galactic central sun, Taygeta, Maia, Jupiter, Karistus, Venus...and could also be working with sacred shamanic technology such as rocks, metals, crystals, minerals, plants, feathers, and sound. Our allies of the light are infinite. Each individual has their own unique spiritual and cosmic connections, allies, protectors, and guides. Once consciously connected, our hearts warm, our minds focus, our breathing deepens, slows, our lungs expand, and our bodies relax. A Shamanic journey to the higher planes, extending the consciousness and sou...