The power of imagination in Shamanic practice
A vivid, focused, imagination (Image I nat ion=Create Images with your source electricity) is an element of Shamanic practice. When performing distance healing work, the Shamans could focus their consciousness, attention, and energy to the place and person they are working with. To prepare for this work, the Shaman will connect with his or her spirit guides, Angels, Archangels, Christ and the violet flame, Ascended allies, Star family, Terra, Sol, Galactic central sun, Taygeta, Maia, Jupiter, Karistus, Venus...and could also be working with sacred shamanic technology such as rocks, metals, crystals, minerals, plants, feathers, and sound. Our allies of the light are infinite. Each individual has their own unique spiritual and cosmic connections, allies, protectors, and guides. Once consciously connected, our hearts warm, our minds focus, our breathing deepens, slows, our lungs expand, and our bodies relax. A Shamanic journey to the higher planes, extending the consciousness and soul presence to a magical realm of purely divine energies without any limitations, then focusing on the receiver from this position, with the power of intention, clarity of sensitivity, fearless love, and magnetism of gratitude. The work can now be done. Imagine if some parts of your soul have broken away from your mind/body/soul complex here in this incarnation during excessively traumatic moments where you were subjected to terror, felt extreme fear, emotional, or physical pain. Imagine what could happen if one was consistently uncomfortable, suppressed, stressed, or unsafe? Imagine magnetizing all scattered soul particles back and becoming whole again. Imagine the possibility that the negative thought forms, anxiety, fear, jealousy, or aggression is not coming from you, but from miserable astral entities whom have been able to hook a presence and influence into your mental or emotional energy fields. Consider that inflammation and knots in the body are a space that you have deactivated your own presence and given it up to the knot to occupy and cause a discomfort, lack of mobility, pain, and depression. What type of energy is the inflammation? Whats in the knot and what effects is it causing? Any blockage in the firing of the nervous system and the performance of the vestibular system will reduce the clarity of the senses, overall sensitivity, presence, balance, focus, and vitality. Imagine each of your chakras open, spinning right, and flowing divine cosmic spiritual energy through. From the powers of our imagination, intention, will power, consciousness, and sensitivity, through the knowledge and development of the initiated arts, any unwelcome energies present can be cleared and transmuted for personal healing. Use the powers of your imagination and freewill wisely.