My response to COBRA's report on our Lawful and Legal Divine Intervention agreement with the Galactic Confederation and The Ashtar Command
Cobra: "On the surface of the planet, there are many legal initiatives that go parallel to the planetary liberation petition, and are slowly but surely building legal infrastructure for arrests of the Cabal during the event and their subsequent trials"
Me: Legal is a corporate fiction created by the Cabal. Why are we and the Galactic Confederation entertaining the legal codes of the Cabal? In the living creation, there is only LAW. Existing Laws which afford us our Human rights have been and are being routinely violated in multi dimensional ways. Human beings, all beings, are endowed with and afforded rights via Natural Laws which are written into the creation. I often refer to these rights as reality laws. Legal has to do with corporate and corporations are not alive and do not have any lawful rights. I am questioning why the 5D Galactic federation is playing into the Cabal's fictions and not simply enforcing the LAWS of our ONE Infinite Creator? I, as a living, lawful Human being, do not entertain legal fictions. We are not legal, we are alive. So why is my mighty Star family entertaining the Cabal's legal fictions? Seems at least a partial capitulation to me, and unnecessary as the Laws are being violated here on our surface. Obviously we are being used in an experiment, with certain more "mental oriented" and less "heart oriented" factions within the Galactic Confederation who want to see how far they can push our buttons. I command this experiment on Humanity to stop, by decree, in this now. Cease and desist your unlawful and deceitful New World Order and Luciferian transhumanist agenda NOW. The violators' actions are only drawing themselves closer to the Lawful fates of reciprocity and responsibility. Law of manifestation, which has some similarities to the false concept of karma. Don't play the legal game, simply enforce the Laws and finish the task. Victory of the Light 2022
COBRA'S SITE: The intelligence hub for the Victory of Light: 2012PORTAL.BLOGSPOT.COM