EVERY DAY, I conduct varying multidimensional work and activities to further develop I self, and maintain a certain vibration, perception, and way of being. Always looking for the BREAKTHROUGH. The vast majority of the time, my mind operates with either a POSITIVE outlook and OPTIMISTIC orientation, or I enter into THE DIVINE SPACE OF NEUTRALITY.. To enter the divine space of neutrality, I practice a Kundalini yoga technique called Sat Nam Rasayan (A yogic art of healing). Sat Nam is about OBSERVING WITHOUT JUDGEMENT. Inside, I feel the sensations of my body, and hear the thoughts of my mind. I work to refrain from reacting, or judging "good" or "bad". Just OBSERVING, FEELING. In Sanskrit, Sat Nam Rasayan means "deep relaxation in the divine name" or "abandoning oneself from the true essence of identity". When we define ourselves, others, or experiences, WE LIMIT THEM. See if you can, from inside your inner world, to your perception of your outer world, observe with this type of neutrality. Judgement, especially entertaining or holding onto negativity, will not allow one to be calm, and at PEACE. I will be clear, neutrality should just be a practice of consciousness to be aware of and experience from time to time and never an orientation of being. Neutrality is a state where one does not choose sides. Being neutral does not nullify or overpower darkness, it actually allows it, therefore it does not serve the light! Neutrality in the face of evil is weakness. Thee are certain types of beings and cultures in the multiverse who remain neutral and they are not even close to the most spiritually or technologically advanced races, also they are not beautiful physically or energetically. Always choose the side of the light and you will be higher in vibration, healthier, and more powerful. Rarely do I actually entertain negativity. When I do, I DON'T JUDGE MYSELF. I am Human. Inside my brain sits an ego or R-complex. The R-complex is called the Reptilian brain. Reptilian ancestors contributed to our Human DNA. The ego has historically allowed us Human beings to survive in the potentially harsh 3D reality. Did you know that HU MEANS GOD? REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE. So. anyway, The hardware is in there, I just have to keep it under control. Tame it. Nullify my ego's promptings. WE ARE ALL STARSEEDS HERE. Do you remember where you are from? Remember why you came here to Gaia? REMEMBER. My soul has been shaped by experiencing life in the Pleiades for thousands of years, often on The planet Erra, which revolves around the sun Taygeta. I have been recollecting more and more. Pleiadians are some of the ultra intuitive empaths of our milky way galaxy. If I don't do some work to keep my energies clear, and charge myself connecting with Mother Nature, I can begin to get myself into trouble, with my emotions. Frustrations. Have to move my body daily.
HEART...4th Center.. Much of the time I will generate love warmth. Love warmth is protection, it is power, it is healing. Our heart has what are called Adamantine particles, which are somewhat similar to brain cells. The Adamantine particles are INTELLIGENCE! ADAM was Father to ABEL. The SERPENT was father to CAINE. CAINE ATE ABEL, they are CANNIBALS!. Do you think the Cabal are the descendants of Caine, without The Adamantine particles? They are not the descendants of Abel. Not Abel to Love! Can you see? Do you think that they are society and WE are the people? The hearts toroidal field, when fully activated, is larger than the mental, emotional, or light body! Ignite the warm sacred fire of your heart, fire up those Adamantines!
Breathe through your heart center via your nose....... Breathe Deep Full Breaths....... Through the nose 7 seconds in the nose, 7 seconds out of the nose. PRANIC BREATHING. Invoke the Violet flame and see if it can be maintained. Have a good time doing this.
My continuation of personal yoga practice and development. along with barbell training, dance, animal movements like crawling, and my Martial arts, have gradually given me excellent flexibility and mobility. My body is calibrated to it's sacred geometrical proportions, and "open" without so many blockages. Supple. My soul can shine through my physical. I can be fully present. My mind can focus on the now moment. I can generate and show love, compassion, and gratitude. Let me tell you, this work is worth it! To be clear, one does not need to do yoga to be spiritual or present at all. One does not really need to get super physical, it just makes 3D life A LOT EASIER, with the effort. We are here having a physical experience, so it just makes sense to me to to spend a reasonable amount of time doing body work, and also strengthening my WILL POWER and MENTAL FOCUS in the process. There is an 80's electro song by the band "Hot streak" called Body work. BODY WORK WILL SET YOU FREE! Do the work, get the shine. Great way to raise your vibration for sure.
A bright smiling face and warm eyes acts like a mirror to others. WE are all connected, Mitakuye Oyasin, In lak' ech, Ubuntu, Namaste.
Now go out there, smile, and make it a great day
Carpe Diem