Corporations are not alive and therefore have NO LAWFUL RIGHTS AT ALL. Only life is endowed with rights, UNALIENABLE RIGHTS from our Creator. UNIVERSAL PRIME LAWS ARE WRITTEN INTO THE NATURAL CREATION. WE ARE NOT LEGAL, WE ARE ALIVE. As an American, I am the living administrator of a contrived corporation which is a legal asset to the USA CORPORATION. My corporation is my name spelled in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. I am the lawful living Human being, not the corporation. I don't spell my name in all capital letters. I am not JOSHUA. I am Joshua. I am the living Human.
Who do you work for? I work for the city of --------. The city of -------- is not alive. It is a make believe fictitious entity. Are you telling me that you work for the boogie man? The wizard of OZ? The man behind the curtain? I see. All Human beings are endowed with equal rights including FREE WILL. Legal codes are for corporations, not Humans. How do they do it? They trick us. We have to identify and separate our living being from the corporation. The socio and psychopathic people hiding behind the corporations designing the system have created, and are still running, AN ELABORATE SCAM. Do you think that other people hiding behind a make believe entity have ANY RIGHTS TO OUR LABOR? Income tax? NO, they do not. THAT WOULD IMPLY THAT WE ARE THEIR SLAVES. Do they own and maintain your property for you? Property tax? No. This is pure legalized theft from those individuals and groups hiding behind the legal fictions. A CORPORATE RACKET. . A criminal corporate racket. Do you think this whole racket has any connections to Pirates and maritime admiralty "laws". They do reference water and ships in many of their words. Hmmmm. It's odd. Now, they really owe the people A WHOLE LOT.
California is a corporation. Oregon is a corporation. Italy is a corporation. France? Russia? England? Japan? Australia? They are all Corporations. They are not alive. The life is alive. We have soil, rocks, trees, animals, and human beings. The infrastructure of our cities is not alive. Remember these materials were taken from nature. The name of the land where we live is just a fiction, it has no power over life. IT DOES NOT REALLY EXIST. It is just a name written on a piece of paper and a freeway sign. Legal codes? Notes of corporate policies written on Paper. Written and overseen by small groups of unique minority, isolated people who refer to us as "peasants", and our mostly honorable police officers as their "dogs". Can you see? Our Police officers largely, are actually doing the work of corporate policies officers. They just associate the living human being with being an asset of the corporation. All capital letters. As long as no actual UNIVERSAL NATURAL PRIME REALITY LAWS are violated, it's strictly about legal codes of the fictitious, contrived corporation and their corporate policies written on a piece of paper. Contrived legal corporate codes hold no Lawful power over life. The excuse of "I'm just doing my job" doesn't work as it gives no right to violate and harass in the name of the boogie man! I actually like a lot of police officers. They work hard and put their lives on the line every day. They conduct one of the most stressful jobs. They largely just don't know the bigger picture of what is going on. The truth is compartmentalized to the highest of ranks, as it generally is with most any organization. We will have some kind of UNIVERSAL PRIME LAW OFFICIALS (ULO's), coming soon.
Water, currency, bank (of river), liquidation, berth of ship, birth (of corporation) certificate.
OPEN YOUR EYES. Do you see?
Tricks, scams, brainwashing, indoctrination, mind control.
License? Lie sense? Do your lies telling us to pay you to turn our rights into privilege make sense? Lies don't make sense to me. It's nonsense.
Do you think the records are stored underwater, in Venice? Does it have anything to do with our bodies coming from water, inside of the womb? Is it part of an ancient sick religion? Can you see? Of the exploitation centers, Vatican is the religion, or mind control center, London is the financial center, Washington DC is the military or police center. All of these are separate, sovereign corporations from the countries which they are located within.
*To be clear, I am not disclosing this basic, logical Law information for anyone to stop paying their taxes. If you have already volunteered to pay, opted in, by signing their paperwork, don't be a fool getting yourself into trouble with your credit, and with the legal racketeers, by stopping. You have already agreed to pay. Of course no one told you about your Human rights. I just did. IT IS GOOD TO CONTRIBUTE TO OUR COMMUNITIES.. However, what do you think our tax money has been spent on? A VERY small percentage on roads, and parks. How about WARS? Luciferian agendas? Of course. We have been paying into agendas which largely are about the opposite of benefiting Humanity and the planet. If the people legally stealing our funds had positive intentions, we would know that taxes are voluntary, and the money would be used with integrity with complete disclosure on what we contribute to. BAR stands for British Accredited Registry. All BAR members are Agents of England. This is not what our founding Father's intended. What was the Revolutionary war about? Men cannot make laws. Men can only defend and follow the LAWS. Some groups of men simply contrive rules called legal codes via Legal corporate fictions. Magistrate? Magic of the State? Can you see? Nothing but scammers, deceivers, and corporate magicians these people are.
We have a worldwide Positive Military Alliance backed by The powerful spiritually oriented factions of The Galactic Confederation, our Star families, who are operating with their 5-9D consciousness, IQ's and technology to greatly assist in The Victory of The Light! Do you think the 5D chess player will win over the 4D chess player? Each moment in our perception of time this breakthrough reaches closer. The system is now exponentially going down the drain of time. The people will be fully compensated with interest, for multidimensional Human rights violations and crimes, against us. Law will be applied. Many laws. How about the Law of Manifestation. The Law of Freewill. The Law of One. The people behind the corporations have violated so many laws for such a long period of time and this is now catching up to them for "a lawful balance". Each and every living being MUST choose and align ALL of their actions within the PRIME LAWS. Come on back to the reality. Certain groups believe they can commit atrocities and "balance" our their unlawful choices through "philanthropy". This is not how it actually works. During a time, operating in this type of fashion was shielded from the exposure and ultimate permeation of the Creator's light. The light is exponentially flowing into us now all the way from the Galactic central Sun. Prime justice comes in the form of inescapable light. The new age or ascension which is actually a cycle of multiple precessions, has to do with a change or upgrade in light. No one can stop it or divert it, it will be faced, most will align with it, be nurtured and uplifted by it. Some will cease to exist due to it's arrival. Are you old enough to have noticed our sun change from appearing as yellow to white? There are many changes leading up to the event. Post event we will be living by Prime Law, galactic codex, Natural Law. We can actually live this way now, it's just that the system is not set up by groups who are aligned with the Laws. Freedom and abundance is actually our HU man birthright! HU means God or Goddess at it's roots. Thoughts of inferiority under others or superiority over others is not in alignment with the energetic, etheric reality. Those individuals who hide behind corporations and have exploited the life around them for an age are going to have a change in consciousness to say the least. Their being is an extension of the Creator as well, and even though their thinking is anomalous, they will have to answer to the absolute highest power for their actions.
LEARN AND FOLLOW THE UNIVERSAL NATURAL PRIME LAWS. Exercise your freewill and personal autonomy. Sovereign is a legal term. Don't use that one. AUTONOMOUS. LIVING. LAWFULL. HUMAN. ACCOUNT ADMINISTRATOR.
We are all a part, like a cell, of the ONE INFINITE CREATION. We are energy. Not one energetic particle is inferior or superior to any other energetic particle. WE ARE ALL PART OF THE WHOLE.
Full Blessings to you!