What TRULY is Metaphysics about? Breaking it all down, the word Meta can mean behind or beyond. Physics of course refers to physical matter. In the ancient study of the Occulted (hidden) sciences, Metaphysics has been called The Mother of all Sciences. In this course, our study of Metaphysics refers to going beyond the perceived physical. Our perception of matter is in truth, just a perception, as everything is composed of Atoms and Molecules, subatomic particles. Atoms, molecules, protons, neutrons, electrons, and quarks contain no intrinsic solidity at all. All of the building blocks of perceived matter are actually comprised of ENERGY. All energetic particles vibrate at specific hertz frequencies. Energy, frequency, and vibration create octaves of sound. Sound, vibrating at specific frequencies, create shape, forms, geometries. Cymatics is the science of sound and the Sacred Geometrical patterns formed by specific octaves of sound. During our initial look into metaphysics, we are going to study how subatomic particles, the building blocks of perceived matter, are actually octaves of sound comprised of energy, vibrating and expanding into the geometries of the perceived matter of our physical reality. Next, we will become familiar with Sacred Geometry, the platonic solids, and molecular geometry, which are the building blocks of the entire creation. This course is integrated in three parts. The first part begins with what I refer to as a more "left brain" and scientific study of Metaphysics culminating in us going all the way back to explore how The One Creator started it all, through CONSCIOUSNESS, MIND, INTENTION, PROJECTION, RELATIVITY, SOUND, and EXPANSION with the 7 days of Creation. At this point we study the formation of the geometries such as the Vesica Pisces, which begin to form subatomic particles. Part 2 is what I refer to as a more "right brain" bigger, wholistic picture of exploring Metaphysics, where we look at applying what we have already learned to the Cosmos and multiverse, Suns and planets. We will also of course explore the variable forms which life takes in the Creation. We are going to learn about the unique densities, realms, and realities of life classically referred to as dimensions. In the third and final part of Metaphysics 111,we work with our heart and soul as I guide you to conduct exercises to sense and engage with the elements and energies. Our work will include The four directions exercise, practice to heighten sensitivity to begin communications with trees, plants, rocks, and crystals, leading into practice conducting The Sacred Heart meditation. The Sacred heart is actually an ancient ritual sending and connecting the love of our hearts with Mother Earth and Father Sun. This meditation/ritual is conducted barefoot and outside, during daylight hours. We will also practice Sacred reciprocity while harvesting plant matter, and will learn about some Universal Natural laws including The Law of One and The Law of manifestation. In part 3 I also explain negative ions and structured water, to enhance your health and wellbeing, as at this point we now have an understanding of molecular geometry. This original and encompassing course includes elements of physics, quantum physics, sacred and molecular geometry, ancient wisdom, numerology, cosmology, meditation, and ritual.