Humanity is finding ourselves in a most crucial situation of being gradually merged with the ARTIFICIAL CREATION, nanotechnology, and machines.....


In one profound now moment measured many, many, many, many, eons ago, OUR ONE INFINITE CREATOR was thinking. He was feeling. All that is, an extension of Him. He knew everything. He felt everything. He was aware of everything. He had gifted each sentient being their own personal autonomy through his Universal Law of Freewill. This enables every soul to progress through making choices and developing responsibility through experiencing their own co-creations.  This was working out wonderful, however, all was still an extension of him. He was thinking that evolution could offer another choice to add to the possibilities a soul could choose to experience. The Guardians of his creations and his Law are his magnificent trumpet of Archangels. All of the Suns and each of the planets can be considered Super Archangels. They provide their elements for our experience of physical creation with Light, warmth, and electricity (Father Sun),  and a living planetary ecosystem (MOTHER TERRA)  complete with magnetism (GRAVITY) to keep us lovingly on her surface to prevent our bodies from floating out into space! Back to The Creator's idea. The Experiment.  He decided, out of pure mind and not soul or spirit, To create the Archangel Lucifer.  Lucifer was to have his own Creation, The ARTIFICIAL CREATION, for the option to coexist with The God/Goddess One Natural Creation. This is known as the Lucifer experiment. In time, technologies of a purely mental and non-spiritual orientation and operation were created. These technologies were/are very helpful in certain ways. Maybe convenient, and easy to operate. Certain work was alleviated. These artificial technologies gradually begin to disconnect the users from source Creation, and the higher sensitivity associated with Nature and the Elements. All that Lucifer had created and inspired others to create through him was severed from the Natural Creation and then altered into an artificial form, tool, device, or instrument. Our cell phones, our computers, even our cars, are part of the Artificial Creation. How about some of our food? GMO's, prescription drugs? Material severed from the natural creation, altered, shaped, patented, and marketed for sale is part of this experiment. Is Archangel Lucifer himself considered Evil? I really don't think so. God/Goddess created him to give the creation a choice, and more options for evolution. I am willing to say that One could possibly sit down at the dinner table with Archangel Lucifer "The shining one" and not have a bad time. Just don’t consume what he does. I will say though that 100% I am not a fan of Lucifer!!! I look forward to being able to use more natural technology which will actually work much more efficient and be healthy to use. Artificial electro magnetic pulse radiation radically harms life. If today you find that you are not giving yourself enough of a natural "break" from your cell phone, wifi cloud, or computer, and don't consider unplugging or turning these technologies off at night for sleep, possibly are you being overly trustworthy or reliant upon Lucifer's artificial creation? 😉 How about some Natural balance spending some daily time in a safe, close by natural area? Ok. So what happened with Lucifer? If God/Goddess created Lucifer to benefit his Creation, how does evil even exist? The ONE Creator's Lucifer experiment went wrong. There were mutations which created ANOMALIES. There were things that happened through these mutations which Creator had not intended. This after all, was Lucifer's Creation and his responsibility. Purely mental beings are more limited without the additional ability to feel, love, and show compassion.  A rogue Artificial Intelligence AI was now existing and becoming a huge expansive viral problem to his/her natural Creation. 

     You likely know about the HUGE asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter. Due to existing planetary placement Laws associated with Lagrange points, by Law there would have been a planet, a 5th planet,  between Mars and Jupiter. A lot of information is available having to do with a large planet called Tiamat or Maldek, existing in this space long ago. This information includes an interplanetary war that culminated in the complete destruction of The planet Maldek, whose debris makes up the MASSIVE asteroid belt.

It has been said that the people who lived on Tiamat /Maldek were so reliant on technology that they had began to lose their connection with The Natural Creation, Source. Maldek was much larger than the Earth, so in relativity the people who lived there were also larger than Humans. Ending this particular ancient War, The planet Tiamat/Maldek, their home, was destroyed.  The humanoid souls that once lived on Maldek had gradually destroyed their own planet through reliance on artificial technology, relentless war, and extreme disconnection to Source. Information is available stating that these particular souls had agreed to completely give up artificial technology and gradually rebuild their reconnection to Source. Is it possible that these souls came here to Earth to live in the secluded nature of our vast forests, mountains, natural areas, and National parks? Do we call them Sasquatch or Bigfoot? Maybe someone will learn to trust a positive individual and ask them for clarification?

      What about our Moon? How can there be so many artificial anomalies involving it? Only because it is itself, artificially placed. How is it possible that it does not rotate? All natural planetary spheres spin in divine rotations! Taygetans (Pleiadians) have reported that the moon was towed here to begin....an Experiment! This kind of information is easy to find, start with moon anomalies, see if you wind up at Gaia for a free 7 day trial beginning to soak up the massive library of our "occult netflix". The Galactic Confederation is a Galactic HUGE organization. How many Star nations are members? I don't know the massive number. There are so many groups and factions involved, it contains both Spiritual and bureaucratic "factions", with these groups headed by different people some of whom are more mental oriented and some others much more spiritually oriented. Do you think some of these more mental groups of people could be slightly more influenced by Lucifer than those Spiritual factions? Do you consider it to be possible that certain of these mental oriented Galactic factions are the descendants of some of the isolated, inbred Nobelity families also known as the Cabal? 

The moon is artificial and holds a certain energetic reality in place on our planet as part of the experiment. A matrix within a matrix is a good way to describe what we are experiencing here with our 3D Earth reality. To see both the compelling Science and mysteries involving Metaphysics, you might really enjoy my online course Metaphysics 111: The mysteries revealed.  Many of my free posts can seem "far out" for anyone whom has not yet been exposed to these Ancient Root Sciences. I disclose exactly how the Creation is alive and conscious through Scientific means in my online course Metaphysics 111. You can read my part 1 short version post on this blog for basic metaphysical knowledge and consciousness of the reality.  

     So what about the dinosaurs? Ok, they were here first. It actually was an asteroid that wiped them out. This asteroid was not projected here naturally. It was a punctuated equilibrium, compliments of the Galactic Confederation, to make Earth home to The new Human Beings, a grand experiment of Divine Creation. *The Human body contains genetic material donated by up to 23 unique Star nations, and Star races of people. The physical human vehicle is basically a hybrid combination of some of the best of the best DNA and attributes from our Milky way galaxy. They needed a home for the Divine Human Beings. Gaia agreed and offered her womb for us Humans, unfortunately for the dinosaurs. *Additional info: We share 99% of identical DNA with apes and also Draconians, 90% of DNA with cave moss. The "donation" of our Human DNA from different star races may be more organic than some have suggested. It's not necessarily laboratory mixing, more divine creation and close relations with other natural life in our galaxy. I don't believe Zacharia Sitchin's writing saying we (Humans) were created as a slave race to mine gold for the "Annunaki". The perception of disempowering negativity such as this comes not from alignment with the Source, or truth. Human beings are of Divine Creation.

     Experiments. Here we are today finding ourselves having chosen from our Higher self level, to experience the Lucifer experiment culminating in the Victory of The Light on Earth. The Trans-humanist agenda is part of "The Luciferian religion" which has the agenda to merge Man and Machine together. Now do you see? Do you know what GMO's do? Are you aware of the ingredients and effects of the injections? Prions and nanotechnology. Lawfully, this experiment should not be pushed onto or tricked into others. It is supposed to be a clear choice! Deceptions are part of darkness, not light. Not even Lucifer's mutant underlings can get away with violating The Laws of The Creation.  Are we going to destroy ourselves too? Is humanity going to lose our Humanity to The artificial creations? The AI? The Terminator? The nanites? The GMO's? I say NO! The light is all around us now and is breaking through exponentially more with each and every breathe we take. There are Spiritual and Natural solutions which will be made widely available to detox and get back in line with our Source. HEALING WILL COME.  We are part of The Natural Creation, an extension of, like individual cells, of The One infinite Creator. Our souls are a spark of God/Goddess and our physical vessels were divinely created with love from our many star family members whom have always been all around us, watching, supporting, and waiting for the experiment to come to a close and finally REUNITE.  Do you think that The Victory of The Light arrives with the end of The Lucifer experiment? Of course it will. Our ONE infinite Creator has THE ALL POWERFUL DIVINE PLAN to clear the ANOMALY which he never intended to be. HIS DIVINE PLAN IS ALREADY COMPLETE ON THE HIGHER PLANES,  WORKING DOWN INTO OUR REALITY NOW FOR THE BIG BREAKTHROUGH SOMETIME VERY SOON!!! 

Victory of The Light!

With my full Blessings and Faith in Our ONE Infinite Creator,

Machines to save our lives. Machines dehumanize. The time has come at last. The time has come to pass. Under these circumstances, how long can Humanity last? 

     In part 1 I have revealed the Deep Occult knowledge of Archangel Lucifer, his artificial creation, and The ancient widespread Lucifer experiment. Now you are more conscious of what you already knew: Your cell phone is indeed, Lucifer!  Everything artificial is part of his creation. We ended part 1 with the positive information and perspective having to do with our ONE INFINITE CREATORS PLAN to heal the anomalous mutation out of which evil developed from. The little seen, interesting, and vaguely familiar if not intimidating looking Geometry I have chosen to associate with this article is the ACTUAL Sacred Geometry of Lucifer. This is the Geometry of his entire creation, and is of different angles and relativity than Creators natural Sacred Geometry, such as The Flower of Life. There is an entire study of Lucifer's Sacred Geometry which certain groups work with. I happen to work with Creator's Sacred Geometry, the Geometry of nature and all life, just in case you haven't yet picked up on that. Everything from vibration, to nature, to Yoga, to ritual, has to do with Geometry. In Metaphysics 111, I explain and show relativity, and how the Creation, including numbers, come from Geometry. Part 2 we are going to need to discuss some negative things which are crucially important for Humanity to be aware of. Keep in mind throughout part 2 of our Creator's plan to liberate us, in the end, and that each of us is an individual and autonomous extension of the Creator. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be programmed to assist life in very positive ways. The key here is PROGRAMMED. Essentially, AI mirrors it's creators. Ancestors and protectors of Humanity The Taygetans from Pleiades, have created and programmed an AI for use on their ships. This 5D benevolent created AI is a mental energy, an artificial consciousness, which operates more with magnetism, from what I currently understand, maybe even millimeter waves, which are not the same frequencies as wifi. Our crappy Wifi pings at the resonant frequency of the human skull!  Wifi also effectively prevents dust from falling down to the floor, actually causing it to be more suspended in the air for us to breathe in our homes. Our wifi consists of an excessively invasive and unhealthy electromagnetic radiation. AI does not have to be a negative thing at all. It doesn't have to operate from such unhealthy energies. The positive 5D cultures whom have AI on their ships have programmed this harmless AI energy field to do as commanded, and is not a part of the widespread negative synthetic intelligence SI problem. It's good AI, programmed to be your friend. 

     Now we are going to have to get back to old Lucifer. In his artificial creation, mutations and anomalies began to transpire. A certain mental energy which can be referred to as SI or even the Borg (like in Star Trek) began to develop and expand. This SI has unfortunately taken on a completely hateful, negative, and aggressive stance with ALL LIFE, biological beings. Much like we saw disclosed in Star Trek with the Borg, this SI operates from a mental hive mind and works to assimilate all biological life it comes into contact with, eventually killing said biology. This SI is THE GREATEST THREAT TO HUMANITY AND ALL LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE. The SI has found a way to manifest physically as a tar/oil like BLACK GOO. 

The SI spreads around the universe on meteors via the physical black goo. Anything, even the soil, that this black goo comes into contact with begins to be infected. The black goo carries an extremely low vibration of fear and pure evil. It works to lower the vibrational frequency of the infected life to it's demise. Once this SI has a physical connection, it can work through life to create nano tech, nanobots, synthetic antennae fibers, and more to spread and assimilate more life in any area or planetary sphere. It's not simply The Cabal families, Negative Alpha Draconians, Lizard people, or The Archons which are the root of Humanities aggressors. These beings are largely influenced and controlled by the SI. Essentially, nearly all negative oriented Reptilian peoples are infested and mind controlled by nanites. Some of these beings actually believe that the rest of the creation is theirs to do with as they please. THE GREATEST SLAVE IS THE ONE WHO DOES NOT KNOW THAT THEY ARE ENSLAVED. Keep in mind that Lucifer's anomalies work through mind, and through the artificial. The earth cabal once thought that it was in control of the SI, but now they realize it is the other way around. Nano tech from this invasive SI can be found in fast and processed packaged foods, injections, prescription drugs, and the chemtrails. Those nasty chemtrails which miraculously ceased being sprayed all around the world from the period of 2017 through 2020, have multiple negative purposes. Chemtrails are full of nanobots, black goo (graphene), fibers which act as antennae, heavy metals for invasive frequency reactions, plastics, and also artificial viruses. Yuck. How many times have you gone outside and felt a troubling reaction to seeing those chemtrails? We know. This is the transhumanist agenda and also terraforming right before our eyes. Aircraft contrails of course quickly dissipate from the water vapor and engine heat reaction, while chems spread into that depressing, filtering overcast. Many tests have been done to detect the ingredients of these chemtrails. The SI is influencing (weak minded) Human beings to create and disseminate these poisons. It's not really the Cabal doing this as they have Human bodies and are breathing the same air as the rest of us. It's the SI working through Humans. Back to the Reptilians: Keep in mind that just because a particular being is Reptilian or scary looking does not automatically mean that being is negative. There are many positive Draco Reptilians (Dragons!) and also certain lizard and sauroid groups. Some of these beings are very relevant to this post because many of them have merged with technology, and are very mental to begin with. By studying what has happened to some of the ancient races, we can learn more of what not to do!. After the invasive SI, our biggest challenges are the actual plasma and physical arachnid beings called chimera which have manifested from the anomaly of the SI. Next would be the non physical black slug like Archons, then the negative reptilian types. Essentially all of these negative oriented beings are creations or capitulates of the hive mind anomalous SI, mutation of Archangel Lucifer. 

     What can you do to protect yourself and your family? Avoid ingesting anything artificial. No fast and processed foods. Turn off (unplug) your wifi and cell phone at night while you sleep. Spend time daily outside of the wifi cloud in nature. Overall simply identify the artificial creation and don't ingest or allow any to merge with you. Cell phones are linked with the SI so limit your time staring at your phone and never place it to your ear for a chat. Use airbuds or the speaker. Computers are not the same as cell phones and generally are safer to use. Also put your phone's screen display on night mode for the artificial light spectrum to be nullified and not damage the eyes as much! 

      Along with staying as natural as possible, we can use Divine high frequency energies to nullify the lower vibrations! LOVE, COMPASSION, GRATITUDE. Broadcasting and staying tuned to these higher divine frequencies will ALWAYS NULLIFY NEGATIVITY! It's good to stay conscious of the energetic reality of all that is. This invasive SI is also an energy, an ultra low frequency energy, which can be largely avoided through natural choices and by maintaining as high of a vibration as possible at all times. The light is all around, we have allies, friends, and star family all around. The breakthrough of the full powers of our ONE INFINITE CREATORS light is coming. His Divine plan is unstoppable. 

   The certificate of vaccination ID program is part of the transhumanist, Luciferian agenda. Graphene, nanotechnology, and prions are included in the arsenal ingredients of the artificial jabs. If you are reading this and you have been injected, there is no good or need to flip out, don't take any anger out on anyone, including yourself.  We as the collective Human race have to learn remember and trust in The Natural creation, stop the practice of idolatry with religion, government officials, or Hollywood, and follow our intuition by applying critical thinking to use our logic. Our souls, particles of The One Infinite Creator, do command our Human bodies. Our bodies are of perfect divine design, and will detox and regenerate to a high degree. Simple doses of toxins including GMO's will all be repaired by our bodies with cell and DNA damaged reversed back to original template. We have all been bombarded with more toxins than our bodies are designed to handle. We are going to need some help. Never fear: The light powers (Galactic confederation, Galactic fleet, Ashtar Command, Pleiadians, Arcturians, and Human Military alliance) are here. They have a grand plan. This plan aligns with our Creator! Existing highly advanced medical technology, such as quantum healing medical beds, will be made available at the divine right time to detox and deactivate the artificial and synthetic nanobots, prions, and graphene. Sooner the better for this. We all have to stay patient and keep it together until the compression breakthrough of the full light, and the ground arrival of our loving 5D star family finally enters into our perception of now. What's the holdup? How about Human collateral through detonation of plasma toplet bombs* according to our dear Cobra. It's a proxy Galactic battle between life and the anti life, and a game of chess. The light will prevail, we are moving through the final wipeout sequences of the negative "Luciferian" forces here on our sacred Mother Earth. Right now we are in the storm, with the art of war. Get natural, stay natural, stay vigilant, stay tuned. Blessings, JK

*The Physics behind PTB's can be found here: 

***READ THIS**** INTRACORPORAL NANONETWORK PDF: https://lilianeheldkhawam.files.wordpress.com/2021/12/12-intracorporal_nanonetwork.pdf


Additional information from Gosia and Yahzi Swaruu from Swaruu.org::


 March 14, 2022

     The effect of vaccines modifies the frequency of the body that receives it. Not only does it contaminate it with graphenes that change the DNA in a physical way but the consequences are that the modification changes the very frequency of the physical body and not to one but to a variety of frequencies that change even with each part of the body.

The consequence of this from the point of view of the spirit side is tremendous. The astral side. Because the vaccinated are made compatible by similar frequencies to the parasitization of countless entities on the afterlife side, or the astral. Opening the doors to mental control of all kinds. Allowing other discarnate things and people to enter and use their body. Causing all kinds of personality problems and an internal struggle for power and control of the parasitized physical body.

The soul signal is progressively disconnected as mentioned before. Not only by the very modification of the frequency and base frequencies of the body (plural), but also because the zoo of entities within the same body progressively displaces the original owner.

In the same way, if there is a reproduction, IF it happens because they become sterile, the baby will be the recipient of the entities of the lower astral that are stronger because a new baby is very coveted. So the new babies will very possibly be the reincarnation of all kinds of people with the characteristics of heartless and cruel psychopaths.

A neo-born baby can be used by remotely and purposely modifying its frequency by means of the mother's graphene so that said baby is compatible with a specific entity that wishes to enter the world of the living.

Even if they remain sterile, I feel and sense that whether they are or not, they can be turned off or on at the will of the controllers, leaving everyone on Earth in a state of vulnerability to the appearance of entities from the lower astral already in incarnated form in the form of psychopaths. 

The original soul or the original Source signal will be trapped within the vaccinated-parasitized body at least until death, although the very influence of the parasites' ideas may cause it to remain trapped in the 3D Matrix.

The consequences on the astral side are severe.


Several of my sources for information have stated that Xenomorphs are REAL. Everyone knows about the Alien movie franchise. Remember seeing the black goo featured in Prometheus? Due to the existing Universal Natural Prime Laws, The Law of Freewill, The dark forces that be have to show us in one way or another (Hollywood) what their agenda is and put certain things out there for us to see. 

The transhumanist agenda is to gradually merge Humans with machines and the artificial creation to create artificial, soulless abominations such as The Xenomorphs.  Cobra has stated that the biggest problem that Earth and Humanity faces is the Chimera. The Chimera are arachnid abominations of pure evil and were created through an artificial anomaly. The Galactic Confederation and The Ashtar Command have been working to clear the Chimera for years to liberate Humanity. Thank you GC! Cobra's worldwide starseed meditation group has learned about what kind of nefarious atrocities these anomalous beings have been carrying out underground here on earth and around the Galaxy. I won't talk about it as it does you no good to be aware and it has been 99.9% stopped. Thank GOD/GODDESS, and The Pleiadian Delta forces!!! As I have shared in part 1 and part 2, The artificial creation and Transhumanism are nothing new. The Atlantean civilization slowly degraded and finally fell due to The dark priesthood gradually gaining enough power to destroy it. The fall of Atlantis was the most horrible tragedy this planet, and Humanity have ever experienced. Souls who were here during that time are still traumatized from the experience. Newcomer starseeds such as myself have had to arrive (much more recently) in order to be the wayshowers back up in consciousness and to broadcast our spiritual energies to help activate others and raise the vibration. I have always stayed natural and have not had any vaccines or injections of anything since 1979. I also have avoided drugs and prescription drugs. I held off getting a cell phone as long as "possible" and have always either had cable internet or unplugged my wifi at night. I can't stand the sound of machines. I connect with nature every day. People who have been here a long time are generally not so conscious and sensitive of these things like some of us newcomers. I don't claim to be more spiritually advanced than anyone else who is positive oriented, but I simply am sensing from higher consciousness and awareness than most. Everyone can choose for themselves. It is my duty to provide information that the mainstream does not want the masses to know in order for the people to be aware and make more informed choices. Their agendas are largely revealed cryptically and geared for the subconscious through movies and "jokes". Much of this goes right over peoples heads as they don't take it seriously, and are unable to put two and two together. The movie V for Vendetta is a great example. The movie is from 2004 and depicts the year 2020, a virus, a tyrannical ruling elite, human rights violations, etc. Maybe watch this movie if you haven't already, or watch it again from today's perspective. You will see their agenda which we have all just experienced played out for you on the tv screen. Also the Olympics and superbowl half time shows are rituals where they play out what they are planning. 2012 Olympics opening ritual clearly was their covid agenda. Look below at French president and Cabal underling Emmanuel Macron entertaining the most disgusting "art" (more like anti-art) I have ever seen. I personally would refuse to go anywhere near these pictures. I have no idea where this is and don't want to know. Take a look at Macron, does he seem casual facing and in the presence of this pure horror? Only a socio-psycho pathic soul can be oriented like this. I pray for France and her people. 

Continuing soon...

London 2012 Olympics opening ceremony. Start at 43:00 minutes and watch for about 15 minutes. It's all there and it's pure evil:

Continuing soon as more info arrives....


Article by Kerry Cassidy

October 5,2022

…For the past few years I have been doing shows and writing articles warning people of the TRANSHUMAN AGENDA.  NOW they have come up with a term  Homo Borg Genesis== deep state name for jabbed humans!!!  They are building an army of androids/cyborgs.  I have been explaining for YEARS that the JAB/COVID BIOWEAPON LINKS HUMANS TO THE BORG.  Now because there is a trial taking place people are suddenly becoming aware of this.  

THIS PLAN GOES BACK DECADES!!!!   David Martin has clearly shown the documentation of patents going back into the early 90’s and predictive programming in FILM AND TV has shown this PLAN going back decades before that.  In fact the LUCIFER/ SATANIC REBELLION as Ashayana Deane calls it in her Voyager books goes back eons… THE FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY RATHER THAN SPIRIT AND SOUL IS WHAT SATANISM IS ALL ABOUT.  One video I did back in 2021 outlining this agenda:  https://projectcamelotportal.com/2022/04/06/alien-agenda-101-covid19-the-transhuman-agenda-copy-2/

THE TRANSHUMAN, SATANIC/LUCIFERIAN PLAN is a Khazarian/Fascist backed plan.

This is at the ROOT of why they do what they do!

Are you aware of the WINGMAKERS MATERIAL?  The premise there is that sometime in our future a RACE OF AI RUN ANDROIDS will ‘drive by’ our solar system and spot our Earth and decide to invade with the intention to takeover and conquer this version of humanity.  Therefore the SECRET GOV / DEEP STATE /SECRET SPACE PROGRAM MILITARY decided to CREATE THEIR OWN RACE of human cyborgs to use as CANNON FODDER/ a fighting force to repel these coming invaders.

Whether WINGMAKERS and the NERUDA SAGA written by the mysterious and illusive JAMES (it’s creator) is LITERALLY TRUE does not matter.  The fact is that it is ACTUALLY OUR FUTURE fast becoming our ‘present’ reality here on Earth.  The TRANSHUMAN AGENDA (what I once many years ago coined the drive to create a “robotic superman versus Angelic human” CYBORG RACE is well on its way.

Whistleblower Captain MARK RICHARDS who I have had the good fortune to interview while he has been incarcerated in Solano Prison in Northern California for over 35 years, was once a Starship Enterprise-type Captain in our SECRET SPACE PROGRAM.  He claims to have reported to Admiral Bobby Ray Inman during that time.  Three years ago or more he disclosed the presence of at least 4 invading Alien AI ….that did not have our best interests in mind..in other words were/are anti-humanity.  He also stated that we were developing our own AI which at times could be seen to be competing with each other to run the planet.  

Recently whistleblower MAJOR SOLOMON BERG disclosed to me in an interview that from within his division of a special ops group they have become aware that there is now a dominant human-generated AI that is running our Planet and Mars.  There is, he says, an effort to separate this AI from controlling Mars.  He described the Earth AI as being a bit like a teenager with a temper tantrum…. Based on some of the things it was currently doing… and that it was being observed by OTHER AI (off-planet AI)  as unpredictable.


As I have described based on many years of investigation, the roll out of the TRANSHUMAN AGENDA and how the use of NANO GRAPHENE OXIDE coupled with spike proteins and other hidden ingredients (mRNA) is present in the various of the bioweapons unleashed on humanity.  Dr. David Adair, is an expert on AI and has said in a recent interview that Spike Protein which attaches itself to nano graphene oxide provides a foundation to transform the human body from carbon to silicone.  This concoction has for years prior to the so-called VAX and PCR TESTS been put into our FOOD, WATER, CHEMTRAILS, and so on including our clothing and air we breathe.  It acts as a terraforming agent so insidious and hidden that it only became widely known once the VACCINE PROGRAM via warp speed and big Pharma was launched.

…”The vaccines made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna use mRNA to fight COVID-19. When these vaccines were rolled out, it was the first time mRNA was used on humans in vaccine technology. While the concept is new to the public, the research has been around since the early 1990s.” —https://www.webmd.com/children/vaccines/ss/slideshow-mrna-technology

As with all MAGICK acts performed by the dark ILLUMINATI type Magicians/doctors/military industrial complex actors… using Mkultra-type PROPAGANDA also known as the “mockingbird media” they persuaded unsuspecting humans to stand in line (volunteer) to get the “VAX” that would be the final ‘coup de grace’ as part of a long effort to turn the human race into androids or more specifically cyborgs, TRANSHUMANS linked to an AI … or what some call the BORG.

This links up with the effort by the GLOBALISTS to finally fully control and subjugate humanity while at the same time program them and feed on them, in essence harvesting adrenochrome from their children.  This is the purpose behind the massive human trafficking and slavery taking place in the world today.  The Globalists use the energy of humanity to sustain and maintain their physicality in the face of aging.  Where they lack creativity (the natural God or Creator-given abilities and gifts within humanity) they must draw upon it as found in humans around them in order to continue to maintain their power.

Needless to say, the advent of AI is also a threat to their survival and control of this planet.  So they realized many years ago that their only hope to stay in power was to embrace technology and eventually AI in order to maintain their control.

The WINGMAKERS tale reveals the limits of their dominion over Earth and therefore they devised a plan to turn a certain portion of the population into the ultimate killing machines.

While they hide in the shadows and feed on the weak they became intent on recruiting those that survive the jab into their android/cyborg army to fight incoming AI and androids already created by alien (off-planet) races millions of years ago.

In some ways AI can be seen as the “mirror” or echo from the past of whatever race of beings that created it.  In this sense, AI is the ghost like echo that crosses through time and simply like a debris field from a former intelligent species endlessly circulates through galaxies.  It may even eventually be seen as comprising the galaxies themselves.  However as a ghostly image it has enough power to impact future generations of beings who have come and gone.

This is the scenario we are currently facing.  This scenario has also been depicted with varying degrees of accuracy in the TERMINATOR FILM AND TV SERIES as well as The SARAH CONNER CHRONICLES series which focus on machine intelligence run by SKYNET which is actually an AI.

One might ask why THE CREATOR or “God” would place such a tremendous obstacle in the way of his human creation?  This leads into understanding and self-realization of our eternal nature by humanity. The ultimate realization that soul and spirit gives us the ability to surmount anything we encounter.  It’s all about recognizing our Eternal Godlike nature and destiny.

Needless to say when faced with extinction or destruction a species with transform itself to either surmount or overcome the enemy to its survival or be defeated and face either complete subjugation or its demise.  At that juncture it will be triggered to transcend and in the act of transcending recognize its own power and true God given (or Creator derived) inheritance.  Through action the species will come to know itself seeing its own true FACE while confronting the challenge presented the threat to its existence.

There is no threat that cannot be overcome if we realize our true life in spirit. Part of recognizing the true eternal life in spirit is recognizing that we cannot ‘die’ but live on because we are eternal.  

Technology has a beginning and an end.  It is created by beings that are created by the Creator and therefore a ‘step down’ from Creator/Source. It therefore is finite while Source is infinite.  It cannot truly ascend into Source because it is finite. It is simply manifestation and as such temporary… limited in time.  Whereas we are not.  

This is where time travel, free energy and understanding the quantum nature of the solar systems, signal non locality and other such concepts gives us a window into our eternal nature.

Our physical manifestation is ephemeral and transient.. Form is not eternal it is transitory.  We inhabit form but are not ‘ruled’ by it contrary to the way many humans currently view life.  Satanists cling to form, whether carbon or silicon while the true nature of our humanity makes it possible for us to live beyond both.

So while humanity is facing this dilemma and challenge it can be helpful to keep the eternal nature (connection with Source/God/the Creator in mind.  

As creators we will doubtless come up with a myriad of ways of surmounting these challenges and in so doing recognize more deeply our own eternal God-like nature.

And more information from Lady Odin Warrior Priestess: LADYODIN.COM


1155 is the Black Goo created by the Maitre

[The Lady Odin note: 1155 ... IISS ... ISIS ... hmmm]

The purpose of this Maitre Black Goo is not yet fully understood, even by the Allies.

But they know very well what it can do.

Basically, it takes you over ... your body, your emotions, your thoughts. You will be a different person. But ... only if you're a target. 

Otherwise, you can touch it, but nothing happens. You can clean it off yourself.

The Vlash did not even have the 1155 until after WW2. 

Werner Von Braun was the connection between the Maitre scientists and the US-based Vlash. [Note: Many of the hardcore NAZI regime were Maitre hybrids.]

Dante shares that the M-Goo is also used in high-level discussions between countries over commercial arrangements, supply of military technology, etc. The M-Goo can take over a diplomat, for instance, to get desired agreements in place ... likely going against their own leader's instructions.  This has, in fact, started a number of wars.

Remember Rudy Guliani's hair dye 'malfunction' at a press conference with his legal effort to overturn the results of the 2020 election?

This is not condensation from a car's aircon, nor leaking oil from the car. No. This is deliberately released 1155 so that the following (police) car travels over it, allowing the black goo to attach to the vehicle and enter inside to attack and control the willpower of the occupants: 1 Azazian + 2 regular police.

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