LIBERATION UPDATE #1 Why is our planetary liberation process taking so long? SIGNS OF OUR VICTORY OF THE LIGHT ARE HERE
If you are like me and have been participating with Cobra's mass mediations and soaking up the tremendous information he has shared for the past decade, you likely believed that by July 2022 we would have free energy, implementation of Gesara, family of light at least decloaked in our skies etc etc. Ok, we are not there yet, so why is this the case? Yes the big problem is Human collateral and the dark technologies such as Plasma toplet bombs PTBs. Also we need to understand that Earth Human corporate courts are not only extremely corrupt and not about the Universal Prime Laws, but they cannot bring to trial ANY NON HUMANS. Take the British Royal family for example, except for Diana, this family is essentially 4D Reptilians projecting images of fugly Human beings into 3D. No Earth Human court can try any of them for their mass heinous crimes. Speaking of Diana, they used her because she was a very high vibrational being with a violet aura. Likely Diana was a starseed from Pleiades and she was not aware of what the Royal family really were on the 4D level. Obvious she knew they were not like her but maybe she thought she could work them into the light. They needed her not only to use her energy, but to help their bloodline. The Queen has an underground Reptilian Military empire I have heard is called the Sicar empire. They have been holding massive amounts of technology and weapons in underground bases mainly located in Australia. She has technology and portals underneath Buckingham palace, but the main center for her army is underground in Australia. There are a military/war caste of Reptilians down there that are each around 10 feet tall. Our Special forces including Earth Human and Pleiadian forces may have already taken them out. To get to The Queen, her military has to be cleared first. Interesting to know that in San Diego, we have had a problem with a small group of hate extremists who go by the name Sicarii. These anomolies are likely reptilian souls, being full of hate towards everyone who is not them! I know they will be cleared too, if they are not already as I haven't heard anything about them recently. 🙏
We are dealing with a myriad of different malevolent ET races who have been here competing with different agendas for thousands of years. We need the Galactic Confederation and our own space force to be able to take out the 4D perpetrators on the cosmic law level! I have been questioning certain factions of the Galactic Confederation for quite awhile, but I know that they are mostly a very positive force and are doing everything they can to help Humanity. They have archons, Chimera, Reptilians, and PTB's to clear in a chess game to avoid collateral Human damage and complete destruction of Earth. Just as important is for Humanity to be able to meet the 5D Galactic Confederation VIBRATIONALLY. A certain percentage of us have to be fully prepared, healthy, and powerful enough to work our light into the un awakened population when we get to the event. Are you vibrating in your 5th center yet? 5th center has do to with truth. 4th center has to do with love, self love and love of others and will open us up to get to 5D. I was literally experiencing samadhi and in 7D crown for a time and was unable to maintain it. Talk about a big difference and disappointing drop! High consciousness and high vibration needs to be maintained and that is not always possible and easy living on 3D surface earth. Just do the best you can and remember your power. The reason I constructed this blog is to help assist in the expansion of our collective consciousness, and to help provide a positive and professionally developed source for anyone to tune into and be guided and motivated higher in awareness and vibration. Each of my posts has something I have considered valuable to share with you. I don't ever wish for anyone to rely on just one source of information so I sometimes collaborate and have built a long list of links near the bottom of the blog for you to branch out and check out other good sources. Each soul here is an important part of the whole. If you are reading this you are part of THE CAUSE, you are tuned into our planetary liberation process and are way ahead of the curve. The best thing I can tell you is to follow your intuition and diligently go about your daily routine with conscious actions, full presence, and to personally be the change and the light you want to see in our world. Remember that the 5D Galactics are not superior to us, they are simply vibrating higher than us. We will be closer to them whenever we vibrate higher, so do whatever it is you know you need to do to raise your vibration. I have posts to help you remember how to do that. We all need to take personal responsibility and do the best we can to spread love, positivity, and light each moment and opportunity that arises. Simple. Hold the light. Be like the sun and shine every day. Maintain the faith. Remember the energetic reality and your own powerful manifestation abilities. Did you see that Q is back? As of June 25! Did you notice JFK Jr (or another Kennedy family member) active now on twitter? You know what the US Supreme court has been doing. How many babies will be saved allowing new spiritually advanced starseeds to be born into our reality now? Also in The USA our rights to bear arms and defend ourselves didn't really budge at all. In some cases certain restrictions even got reversed! Certain attempts to shut down power plants for our energy demands was also halted. Demoncrats are really pissed! I love it! Hahaha! If you are in the US, you likely have noticed how much they are STILL focusing on Donald Trump! Instead of focusing on NOW, they are literally reaching, contriving, propagandizing over 18 months ago when he was still President! Did you see that they were even trying to impeach him after the Biden double (branden) was in office? There exists no Legal possibility to impeach an ex President! So the Demoncrats were showing everyone that they believed that Donald Trump was still The President after Biden started his regime. Wow. Did you pick up on that or what? The dark ones are clearly and publicly exposing their egos, lies, and sickness with their desperate acts of aggression now. Gas prices are insane and at all time high robbing The People, but Government focuses their energies on Donald Trump. They know that they will soon be facing Galactic Justice. Demoncrats and other people who hate Trump are continually making the Man even more popular by talking about him more than his supporters! It should be more than obvious now that they are super afraid of him. I have stated this before, Donald Trump is an political OUTSIDER, not oriented as a traditional politician. Talking about politics, BOTH traditional parties have been serving and controlled by the dark. Reptipublicans are used by the Anti-Christ Satanic Jesuits, while the Demoncrats are used by the Luciferian Transhumanists.
Sharing more good news, I have also heard that the DF's timeline shifting technology has been disabled or greatly weakened. This is very helpful if accurate. It makes sense as they use this tech to "kick the oppression can down the road" and keep us in their grasp. Seems to me it's not working out so well for the DF anymore this time🙏 This same source also stated that our Space force is working to help the surface population with quantum technology. Our US Navy special forces and Donald Trump are deeply involved with this. Our space force is highly active on the moon. I don't have the details, as it is the ART OF WAR right now, but it will be a VERY BIG (Yuge) DEAL for Humanity! It's clear to me that the Biden regime is a illegitimate plant while the Alliance and Trump are busy working ABOVE, BELOW and behind the scenes for our liberation. The most unaware of Americans have to have a chance to see for their own eyes how ridiculous this current regime is, as this is part of the awakening process to prepare for the victory of the light.
We have many signs that the light is really starting to shine and penetrate through, permeating into our reality! Hold it all together with love, do what you need to do, and watch it all unfold. We will see some surprises and we will get there as she goes!
Hold the Light,