Beautiful soul. My friend. I have some questions for you. How are you choosing to use your freewill? Where is your consciousness focusing? What thoughts are you generating? What thoughts are you entertaining? Are too many stressful thoughts looping around in your head to effectively form the neuro plasticity of your brain to these unpleasant energies? What does your body tell you? How about your emotions? Do your emotions generally feel enjoyable and light, or troubling and dense? If your thoughts, emotions, and body are not oriented in the way you wish to experience....why are you choosing this for yourself? If you feel the need to cry, find the way to let it all flow out. Release. We are going to let the drama go and shift back into alignment with Source again. May I remind you that you are a divine eternal being of infinite freewill and potential. The beauty and power of being in alignment with Source. By focusing, pointing, and projecting your consiousness inward a...