I want to let you all know that I am working on composing a highly detailed and intricate article about the inner techniques of Hatha Yoga. Every day for the past 11 years now I've taken out an average of an hour or more each day to completely focus on developing my Yoga practice and techniques. I began training in Tibetan Yoga and cosmic chakra navigation with Surat Shabda Yogi Jeff Volk in 2010, and completed my 200 RYT Vinyasa teacher training at Prana Yoga center with a teaching team lead by Gerhard Gessner in La Jolla, Ca in 2015. I have trained extensively in Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, and Kundalini Yoga with over 20 different professional teachers. Toiling, achieving and experiencing many breakthroughs along my Yogic path, I have brought my physical vessel from inflexible and largely immobile, with imbalanced muscularity, lack of solidity, inflammation, belly fat and love handles, unsteady hips, clogged liver and kidneys, with much lower breath capacity to where I am today: a healthy, mobile, flowing, graceful, geometrically and aesthetically balanced physique, nearly effortlessly able to perform what can be considered elite athletic abilities. My breathing, walking, circulation, and even my sleeping positions have changed. Now at the age of 45, I would never trade my current body for my 20, 30, or 40 year old body again. No way! Yoga can definitely be considered the most difficult art to develop, and gradually provides the greatest multi dimensional, full circle of liberating benefits. I've been taking a break from the Blog, CPU, and i phone in general to focus on advanced development work and my connection to nature. I am ready and returning to compose on this blog again and have many more things I may post in the near future! Stay tuned and connected my beautiful friends. I greatly appreciate your time, eyes, and generous, crucially helpful donations for my work, will, and efforts to share with you. Thank you. 

 Here is a little introduction to The Inner techniques of Hatha Yoga: 

     RESISTANCE. Think about electrical wires transmitting a current. If the wires hold any resistance, the flow of electricity will be hampered and diminished. Our bodies and brains run mainly on electricity. Practicing proper Yoga technique will greatly help to reduce and release any resistance built up in our bodies and in the "wiring" of our brains. That which is resisted does surely persist. Proper performance and practice of Hatha Yoga WILL gradually remove the resistance. To avoid working within the old, simply focus and take action on building the new. Clear yourself. Surrender to release. The discomfort experienced through our Hatha Yoga development is our friend as this discomfort is weakness leaving the body. Releasing the resistance, one achieves clarity and calm. Not overly nice, and never aggressive or afraid. Just COOL. With the state of mind to take specifically trained daily action to clear your resistance, stored emotions, and stress to vibrate higher where your powers of positive creation are waiting, this can help prepare and hopefully motivate you to be guided to begin or deepen your Yoga practice. When we heal ourselves, we are serving The Cause and assisting The Light. The greatest gift we can ever give our loved ones, or ourselves, is to achieve health, balance, and personal development. In our Hatha yoga training, I will clearly explain the differences, the how, and when to surrender, relax, activate, power, align and coordinate certain muscles and body parts in several unique Asanas to provide full awareness and empowerment of the art to be well on your way to self mastery. Specific mental orientation, breathwork, intention, and presence in the body is key to beginning our practice.  I also provide individual practice routines, guidance, and support via email, video or phone chats to each of my students as they request. 

The Inner techniques of Hatha Yoga will be sent free to each of my students, and made available to all for a small yet to be determined fee. You can message me of your intent to order and I will let you know when this work is complete and available. I guarantee that The Inner techniques of Hatha Yoga will provide valuable insight to help catapult your Yoga development into deeper gears and higher heights! 



Together with the Divine Feminine Yoginis for Yoga practice, meditation, and studies

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