The medical industry came up with the term Autism in 1911 in an attempt to explain what they do not understand, and most importantly to them, diagnose and "treat" individuals who were withdrawn, schizophrenic, or highly sensitive. Virtually each person who has been diagnosed with Autism has been poisoned by heavy metals and various other toxins from the allopathic, artificial, health harm industry. The indoctrinated, sheepish, unwitting parents failed to protect their child and subjected them to injections which have ruined their natural health and development! It continually amazes me how submissive and stupid most people on this planet are. Our bodies run mainly on electricity. Heavy metals damage the nervous system, and will severely impede it's electrical impulses for signaling. People diagnosed with autism (PDA), on the other side of their challenges, have immense gifts to share with the World! Many of them are simply tuned into their own imagination. It's up to us to help them heal so they can be comfortable in their own intuitive flow to be able to share their gifts as is their birthright and a big part of their soul purpose for being here. If you have family members and friends who are PDA, or are working in the industry to care for these unique individuals, I am making this post to give you tools and information which might be able to help. Simply also to bring more awareness to PDA as more individuals are being diagnosed and drugged every day now. Let's start reversing this dark trend and agenda. Through knowledge we can help support them so we can all benefit from their gifts. Through healing and detoxing, PDA can become fully autonomous and be a powerful source of light in their respective communities.
What can we do to help PDA?
Understand that many PDA are extremely sensitive intuitive empaths who are both uncomfortable and unmotivated to engage with the largely unconscious, backwards, corrupt, stressful, insensitive, toxic, and artificially unhealthy societal system. Many PDA suffer from crippling anxiety. Below are some ideas and tools to help soothe them to activate their amygdala, detox the heavy metals, increase the myelin sheath to improve the functioning of their nervous system, and help them get deeper, more peaceful sleep.
-Give them Chlorella and Cilantro to detox the heavy metals. Chlorella tablets and juicing a couple cilantro bunches will work wonders, you can add mint, cucumber, apple, pineapple, mango..whatever they like. Also consider using zeolite and shilajit. The zeolite can magnetize and trap heavy metals to then be eliminated by natural body functions. Shilajit is an ancient ayurvedic medicine full of vital trace minerals to enhance body alkalinity, electrical functions, and provide fulvic acid (known as an elixir of life) to assist cellular function, detoxification of mercury, and even hormonal balance. Gut health is crucial. Be sure PDA consume probiotics from either fermented natural foods or organic food based supplements such as primal defense.
-Suramin looks like it may be promising to help with autism and other neurological disorders, but this drug cannot possibly heal and reverse autism. In the healing arts, we don't often condone or entertain drugs and anything artificial as these components are not compatible with the natural creation, and are not usually able to provide healing. Nevertheless, it should be researched and considered as wonder drugs produced from positive intentions and a high level of consciousness certainly are possible. PDA need to be assisted with out of the box thinking, multidimensional awareness, natural medicine, nutrition, healing arts knowledge, creativity (love), connection, and sensitivity. The only drugs I condone are pain killers to reduce Human suffering. Pain killers and all pharmaceuticals are toxic to the body system and should be used only when needed, temporarily, and never permanently.
The word pharmakeia in ancient Greek means the use of poison, drugs, potions, spells, or witchcraft!
No thank you to any of that garbage! Healing is always the solution.
-Use Sacred sound frequencies 396hz and 432hz in the background, headphones, and also in the classroom setting to soothe them
-No coffee, give them chamomile or lavender tea daily
-100% Cacao wafers can help ease depression, helping produce positive brain chemicals like dopamine
-Ashwagandha root (relieves anxiety, helps sleep, and increases the myelin sheath)
-No toxic sodium fluoride. I prefer Jason brand fluoride free toothpaste (Sea fresh and power smile only) and highly recommend either of these. Give them himalayan pink or sea salt instead of table salt or anything with "salt" as it likely has fluoride or micro plastics.
-Clean reverse osmosis and structured water of sacred, living molecular geometry. Tap water is full of toxic chlorine, pharmaceuticals, particulates, pesticides, and even hormones. Each time we take a shower or bathe, our skin absorbs what's in the water. Use a structured water filter and reverse osmosis system to deactivate toxins, filter particulates, and enhance hydration during bathing and for drinking water instead of allowing exposure to more health harming toxins.
-Daily time in Nature, grounding, natural water contact, Sunshine, star gazing!
-Turn off/unplug wifi, cell phone, and other electronics (TV) at night to give them a break from the brain wave altering artificial electromagnetic radiation
-In the Northern hemisphere, sleep with your heads pointed South (best) or West or East, and never North. Southern hemisphere sleep with your heads to the North (best) or West or East, and never South. This has to do with magnetics and how the flow of energies affect the blood and brain activity. We sleep better when pointed against the flow of energy so our brain will wind down easier and become less active without those energies flowing blood up into to our head.
-COMMUNICATE ENERGETICALLY: For individuals who don't communicate verbally, work on merging your mental fields together to see if any telepathic communication can be developed. You can practice projecting words to them from your own pineal gland. Some PDA have already shown to be telepathic and this is not only what they prefer, they might be trying to teach us to do the same. Most PDA can feel and read mental and emotional energy, so it is never, ever ok to show any aggression or express frustration with them. You can easily lose their trust as fear will disconnect and disable them from engaging. Communicate through energy, especially warm heart energy, and this can spark PDA to engage. Be sure to do your own shadow work to maintain a high vibration as your energy will be the ultimate influence and guide for PDA.
-Encourage their creativity through art, painting, drawing, dance, music, or just being in nature observing.
-Use natural spectrum light bulbs wherever possible. Artificial light drains PDA’s energy, lowers their mood, and can cause frustration and depression.
-Show them images of harmonizing Sacred Geometry! Display The Flower of life in their living space and classrooms!