My grand awakening in 2009-2012, plus my experiences and observations with the Cobra planetary liberation occult Goddess mysteries worship cult and resistance movement
I have always been spiritual, highly sensitive, and empathic. I had very close contact with my "imaginary friend" (spirit guide) until I was in kindergarten. Sensing the darkness around me, and experiencing this dysfunctional, fearful, sadistic, and often self destructive darkness consistently from both of my parents to form some of my earliest memories, I knew that this world was abnormal and a potentially very dangerous place. I began to read Wayne Dyer books in 2005 at age 28 and in the fall of 2009 I began to go through my first major awakening. During this time I was living in San Diego and a younger starseed friend of mine who was into shamanism and martial arts had introduced me to The Ancient Secret of The Flower of life, and David Icke. When I wasn't working at the airport full time plus for Southwest Airlines, I devoted all of my time to my spiritual work, studies, exercise, and time in nature, especially at the beaches and in the native San Diego chapparal habitat. Through vocal toning techniques I decalcified and activated my pineal gland, and had access to amazing non gmo cannabis such as the Trinity strain which provided a much needed shift in my consciousness and some DMT. The high quality plant medicine was pivotally helpful for my activation and deprogramming. I balanced out my research and expanded awareness of the dark forces and their exploitation system with the teachings of light. I soaked up David Icke's information super easy as well as the flower of life, but became a little paranoid about the reptilians. After my first remote viewing experience I began to notice I was under surveillance and started to pick up on (mental) energies that were being projected to me that were certainly not my own. Some of these thought forms were very odd, disempowering, and nothing that is ever generated from my own being. Always a strong mind, I identified them and never entertained any of it. I placed my own spiritual etheric love shields up and kept doing my shadow work. I asked for the protection of Archangel Michael and my star family of light. At one point, Icke's information had me scared, I was waking up and had an open pineal gland and crown but my root chakra was still partially blocked. This situation was not fun or normal and needed a lot of work and some outside assistance to begin to remedy. I had my first remote viewing experience sometime in early 2010 with all of the pineal resonating vocal toning exercises, sun gazing, ocean cleansing, and the high quality flowers. I was in a deep meditation sitting at my computer at home when I was able to project my consciousness up my charkra system to end up on the approach to Jupiter. I was seeing the solar system and this majestic planet with the same quality of vision I enjoy with my physical eyes, but this was eyes closed pineal vision. I hadn't began my yoga journey yet at this point to gradually clear the resistance blocks and open up all of my chakras for full spiritual presence and kundalini flow. I began my first yoga training at the end of 2010. What happened very soon after this experience was no surprise to me, in my bedroom appeared a tall, muscular blonde Pleiadian Man wearing a vivid blue one piece jumpsuit. His countenance was not of a Earth Human, with a larger and slightly different shaped forehead, and his physical body geometry was also different, having larger shoulders in proportion to any Human. He is a Galactic Federation commander, and was in my presence from the 5D vibration to help me. He held a device and performed some type of protection work and slowly vibrated up and away from my spectrum of vision. After this I had more mystical experiences, including an interesting time having a short relationship with an older Woman of Yaqui Indian descent, dealing with her tequila drinking and her ancestors who took her body for a ritual ride after she finished nearly a full bottle of patron, and us going together to the deer dance ritual in Tuscon. During the year of 2011 by the way I lived at the cove in wonderful Carlsbad, Ca and witnessed reptilian shuttle ships looking much like the original V series shuttle spraying noxious gasses right above where I lived, poisoning the entire area. I knew who they were and as soon as I saw them they hit the cloak button and the shuttle suddenly disappeared except for the toxic gasses still pumping out of the sky. Early in the grand rising year of 2012, my consciousness led me to discover Right away the vibe and information captivated me, and I began to check the blog more often and started to participate in the guided mass meditations beginning with the Pleiadian portal solar eclipse Goddess energy anchor auspicious event, also in 2012. I still remember this moment like it was another now, and how good it made me feel to participate. Over the spanning decade I have enjoyed much of Cobra's information and participated in many of the mass meditations. The meditations themselves were coming from such a consciousness that I could not believe that the movement was any kind of psyop. Mystical consciousness and love is on a different level than agendas, tricks, and experiments right?
Resistance movement: Law of resistance, that which is resisted will persist, is this why it's still being called the resistance movement? Light forces? Power is a higher vibration than force, 5D is power, so why are the 5-6D Galactic Confederation referred to as the light forces and not light powers?
The following is a comment which I sent Cobra to post on the portal blog and I have no idea whether or not he approved it and really don't care. It's more of a expressive rant and wake up call warning to those individuals who are whole hearted members of that cult and not simply tuning in, taking what's good, questioning and leaving what's not, and continuing to rise on their own path:
Interesting little cult this portal has become. Always it was liberation after the disabling of the PTB's, next the defeat of the Chimera, clearing of the archons, dissolving of Yadabaoth, now that all of that has been successfully completed the latest task is the lurker and of course the Luciferian matrix tech no brainer there. (Side note: From what I have learned the beings called lurkers are actually the Xenomorphs depicted in the Alien movies) A cult leader skillfully deflects and ignores real empowering questions and instead offers more detail to concepts already introduced. Now that the cult underlings have weathered enough broken promises, the leader can see he has a loyal following and is greenlighted to give additional exciting news which the participants again cannot verify with anything other than faith or hope. Ahh what a relief that feels so good. Wow! A little new age occult dopamine still stretches a long way with those who are unable or refuse to open their eyes. Cobra kicks the ascension can down the road again and has his second bank magnetizing ascension conference of the year coming much sooner than a Pleiadian cruiser. It's all a great experiment with some very high quality information so it's certainly not any loss for me at all to have participated since 2012. Any Metaphysician, martial arts master, or yogi knows that force is a lower vibration than power separated by the heart center, level of resistance, soul presence, and mental orientation but we are still talking about light "forces" instead of powers of light? Law of frequency and vibration, and law of resistance. That which is resisted will persist. This is a resistance movement and it's all been clearly and consistently stated. Ascension is not about persistence, which has to do with stagnation, it actually requires a raise in vibrational frequency, assessments, and reassessments to make room for the updated information which allow higher states of consciousness to be obtained. Does anyone tuning in here not realize that a Cobra is a deadly venomous snake? How exactly does compression breakthrough break down to cobra? The old saying what's in a name? Pleiades is a huge and diverse star system, in our own little single star system the most advanced race and civilization is likely to be from 6th density Jupiter and they are called The Karistus. I literally have shared more information about Pleiadians on this blog in a little over a year than exists on the entire portal blog of 11 years. I have linked dozens of sites and individuals where my readers can go to for additional information. Cobra links on his blog a self admitted brain wiped Man with very interesting and colorful information named Corey Goode (I do like Corey but I cannot trust any experience he says he has had) , a Man who has been one of my favorite teachers, David Wilcock, who actually refuses to even acknowledge Cobra exists (very revealing), and a nice guy from Hawaii who goes by Kauilapele who had some great contributions ten years ago but has degraded down to talking about politics (politricks) and mochas before suddenly quitting his boring and lazily produced blog. One of the "Shamans" who is advertised on Cobra's blog refused to talk to me when I reached out to say hello. These are Cobra's links! I am not impressed at all. Why does this cobra crowd seem to not know of their own solar system or that of the many cultures in The Pleiades such as The Maia (Maya). How about your own Human history or history of this planet? Thank you for your efforts Cobra. Light recognizes and honors diversity of thought and free expression as long as it's not aggression or anti-life evil. Questions and debates are essential in any advanced free society. Science and consciousness cannot evolve unless it is challenged, reassessed, verified, and updated. This info and movement has assisted me in my development and contributed to willfully building a unique mental island with periods of hopeful excitement and accomplishment followed by many disappointments over the last decade. I'll still tune in as I have not had the problem of putting all of my attention towards one source.Most likely it's all truth and positive intentions and I still command 771 and 1221 almost daily. A Pleiadian GC officer appeared in my home to help me even before the portal blog existed. I encourage everyone to diversify your information sources and keep a focus inside on your intuition. There are many Masters embodied here on Terra. Hey, does anyone here even know Cobra's real name? Be centered and guided in your intrinsic autonomous power and not your foolishness. Don't wait for 2025 or any saviors. The path up Mount Enlightenment requires each soul to take carefully chosen steps themselves. Some aspirants may even be able to discover creative new alternative routes along the way. Don't neglect experiencing your own breakthroughs and growing your own carrots by settling for an unverifiable brand you found dangled in front of you from a mysterious farm offered by a farmer who's name you do not know. Find many seeds, plant and nurture your crops, go fishing, harvest, and cook your own meals. Blessings, gratitude, abundance, and freedom of speech to all.
The whole cobra cult thing is boring the shit out of me and Cobra has demonstrated that he is afraid to answer my questions which several in this group have publicly agreed with me and supported my questions. I asked him to teach us about our Earth history so were not so in the dark. As you are aware it's a strategy of the dark to hide our history and fabricate it so they can continue to work their same exploitation tactics as far as we don't know our own history. We are all excessively disempowered by simply not knowing the truth about our own history and this planet. Knowing more will have a most empowering effect. Cobra refused to give us this very essential information! This is very revealing to me. Interesting that I was the only one in the cobra crowd who proposed this question. Also very revealing as that crowd is largely submissive and unconsious, as cult underlings always are! Yes, It’s at least a partial experiment, agenda, and an occult goddess worship cult designed for those submissive minds. I am not sure of the bigger picture agenda with Cobra yet but I will find the truth you can bet on that! It's simply a fun hobby to observe for me now as everyone has freewill and people will make their own choices and it's not for me to interfere. I am a registered yoga teacher trained and developed to teach people the art of hatha, vinyasa, and ashtanga yoga without any of the idolatry and religion. Yoga is a scientific, physical anatomy, mentally and spiritually based ancient proven art. I am also a NASM certified personal trainer which is also science, anatomy, and psychology based. My esoteric science knowledge comes from the teachers listed on this blog home including David Wilcock and Drunvalo Melchizadek. David Wilcock doesn't ever acknowledge that Cobra even exists. That says a lot. I like David Wilcock. His contributions have been extremely helpful to both my education and the collective expansion of consciousness. I also have a university background in Psychology and physical sciences. My nutrition knowledge and experience comes largely from Dr. Mercola's online courses, and my time living with different cultures and healers worldwide as well as my own experiences with different diets, bodybuilding, healing, and fasting. I am busy and disciplined to a such degree that I am working too hard to entertain anyone who can't face simple questions any of my students can calmly debate. Goddess worship? I am beneath no other being, Only ego requests worship. I don't worship the Goddess, I protect her, provide for her, and fuck her like a King👑