Liberation update #3: The post pandemonic separation of rising powers, falling forces, and the increasingly invasive push of the Luciferian agenda


2024 is an insanely lame time to be living in. Since the trauma dealt through their pan demonic agenda, the collective happiness seems lower than ever. Simultaneously, the Luciferian forces have emboldened, emerging from their shadows, and often not even bothering to put on their sociopathic masks to smooth talk to the masses through the mainstream goggles. We, the People, with possibly majority numbers of us haven given up our power to the Luciferian agenda to be injected by their technology, or silence ourselves to capitulate to their DEI degradation in our workplaces and schools, seem even more spiritually scattered and separated. In the west, tougher than nails Generation X just doesn't give any kind of a single fuck anymore (We really never did), while the millenials are more sheepish, intimidated, and triggered than ever, and Gen Z has what amounts to zero social skills and creativity being the weakest and most miserable generation of all. There is hope with the new kids, so called Gen Alpha, with their rizz skibidy sigma slang coming from a newly arisen creativity and cool. Some of these kids are even breakdancing, turning off their phones, and consciously connecting with Mother Earth! Down at the lagoon shore last weekend, in less than an hour I observed some 7-10 year old kids in the water playing with octopus and leopard sharks like they were their closest family members. Literally cuddling and sharing love. It was beautiful. No matter the generation, the individuals who have been able, from their conscious and protective parents, and through their own natural conscious lifestyle, to maintain their soul connection, are our local community way showers and potential planetary liberators. 

     Americans, and the world, saw the masonic lights camera action optic show in full effect with the "attempted assassination" of Donald Trump last month and the immediate 180 (degree) turn of the main-stream media bullshit narrative. This lead to further division, deeper idolization, confusion, and the installment of Kamala "Hindu Hawk Tooey" Harris as the Demoncrat left wing candidate. The Joe Biden character simply disappeared. Readers of this blog shouldn't need me to explain anything else. It's all a show. None of these actors are spiritually evolved empaths, and they all work for the Luciferians. 


The white rabbit and their rabbit hole is a partial self disclosure information trap designed to harness our attention, entrap our consciousness, and lower our vibration. Do you really wish to go there? 

The bold actions of the Luciferians are further exposing their illness and backfiring bigtime!  It's obvious the groups behind the mainstream are disconnected from nature and hold an anti- human, anti- life agenda. Europe has been increasingly invaded by sick foreign Men who don't respect European rules, European Culture, or Christianity. Many of these predators are looking especially to attempt to violate our European Women. For the sake of European culture and our people, this agenda must be reversed, and these invaders must be deported immediately. Europe is for Europeans! I implore my European Brothers and Sisters to unite together and convene to "motivate" their military to intervene against the Luciferian EU corporate agenda. Europe absolutely must stand up together! We, The People are starting to see, have had enough, and are really starting to unite. The spark will only grow now and gain powerful momentum to fuel our liberation movement and grand awakening. This will be really great to see. Each unique group of people and every culture has the lawful right and responsibility to maintain themselves and protect from invaders looking for conversion or destruction.



     The objective of this post is to further clarify each soul's freewill choice to choose. Have you noticed that a large portion of creative energy used for art, music, plays, or even films, has been given over to AI? Instead of having the AI do our dishes, clean our homes, and take out our trash, we are allowing it to largely replace our creations and artistic expressions! For Americans looking for jobs, many are led to go onto the indeed website which is completely controlled by....AI. Great, now Lucifer is being allowed to partially replace both our creativity and job prospects. Dangerous. Also, please be aware that Lucifer is known as "The light bringer" and also "The shining one". To be merely "of the light" does not necessarily mean being in alignment with Prime Creators' Love and Light!!!  

     I'm not going to share any cool sounding news with you of "soon" the galactic confederation will be able to fully deactivate the matrix tech grid and land, or "The Alliance" is almost to the point of arresting the Cabal. No. That's for cults and none of that can be verified until it's happening. No one here knows what the high levels of Earth militaries are planning, or when or how certain events will actually play out. I just hope positive forces are getting vaxx placebos, or some kind of healing boost, because I have seen the progressive soul disconnection and downgraded behaviors from friends and family members who allowed themselves to be injected. What I can and will do is remind you of your spiritual power. We each have choices, in every now moment, to decide what to focus on, and which actions to take. Stay natural and connected to your spiritual essence and focused with your spiritual presence. Follow your intuition and spend time around people that raise your energy, not lower it. Connect with nature every day without fail, exercise, eat your organic vegetables, roots, herbs, and fruits, and achieve a health providing lifestyle balance. Soon I'm going to write a crucially important post to humanity about multidimensional idolatry and reclaiming your personal power. Stay spiritual, stay tuned to the higher frequencies. and don't lower yourself to entertain any toxic energies. The unseen in the higher realms is guiding and protecting us, always. Have faith. We are one consciousness experiencing ourself from unique perspectives. Take great care of yourself and choose your focus, thoughts, and actions wisely. Always follow your intuitive guidance. 

Victory of love and light!!!


I leave you with an image of a recent gathering of healers, The Shamans, in The United States. The Source works through the shamans. White magic comes through here, we have always been here, and we will always be here, to be in service to others, and balance the energies out.  


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