Greetings Dear souls of light. The readers of this blog are situated all across our Sacred Mama Terra. During the month of July I was gracious to see in this blogs’ stats logging nearly 2,000 views with nearly half (45%) from Europe, over 1/4 (27%) from North America, and a substantial 17% from Asia. We also have very small tribes of super conscious Source blog readers living in South America, Africa, and India! Thank you 🙏 I am happy to be of service to each of you to assist in the expansion of your consciousness. 

     From early August I have been experiencing and moving through a period of rapid Spiritual growth, emotional clearing, and increased clarity. The method and circumstances of this growth has come about from my own choices and is not surprising. I am facing what may be the very last of my fears and putting my multidimensional skills I have obtained just in this life to good uses. My path right now would be excessively hazardous if I didn’t have such a clear connection to my higher self, the Angels, and having developed great sensitivity of intuition, with my abilities to stay calm and release any vibe lowering dense emotions. Through all of this I have grown tough to such a higher level that my adaptation abilities are sufficient to overcome and thrive in experiences that would have crushed me in even the recent past. All good things have been arising and in August, I reconnected with two dear soul tribe members. The first is my dear Isis, who is incarnated now and currently living in Texas. For privacy purposes I will say nothing more about her at this time. The second is my dear Brother, David, a super spiritual and intellectual starseed from Sirius. David has been a Christian minister for 40 years and has awakened to his cosmic sky teacher mission and he is now activating into the Christ consciousness remembering and initiation processes! I am working with David here in the San Diego, CA area to bring together 5D consulting. David provided me with the simple yet genius idea to work with the existing streams I had discovered from available private bridge platforms instead of attempting to construct my own bridge and borrow someone else’s water pump! 5D consulting is my idea and creation that I have been developing skills, knowledge, abilities, consciousness, and experience, with this intention, for over 20 years. 

The heart of consulting is to provide a special key of information in the precise way it is needed for the completion of a certain wholistic consciousness, idea, or skill to be fully activated within an individual or group for manifestation. 

Many of us hold an idea or unique tidbit of knowledge and we just need the rest of the information, often precise details, required to apply it to fulfillment and manifestation. This is one dimension we can provide through 5D consulting. The other dimensions are truly unlimited, with your ideas and skills being further nurturered to manifestation from the missing keys we can provide. I needed David’s idea for my hard work, consciousness, ideas for planetary liberation, and ascension intentions to manifest. No one knows it all so most often our missing keys will come from others! From the early stages of 5D consulting we are operating from one of the most powerful, and exciting 🔑 of consciousness that we are putting to use with the intention to greatly assist all. During September we can start potentially consulting US citizens on proposed private corporate donations that will incur no charges to the consulted! Through connecting we can determine if any new consultees are interested and ready to join the 5D consulting team! Along with US citizens right away, I will also look to work with Europeans, mainly EU citizens to start to see if we can find donation grants from European corporate sources. With my guidance and some of your own digging we could very possibly work out a similar deal for proposed European based 5D consultants just as we are securing for our US based consulting, to have EU citizens join 5D consulting asap on an equivalent legal corporate based donation platform! Also people in Japan and other developed Asian countries/areas such as Hong Kong and Singapore may be able to join 5D consulting as well. We are concentrating on financially developed countries first to secure and grow our corporate funded donations and private grant based funding and then we look to be able to share our wealth. To be clear, People in Europe and Asia will need to, just as Americans, meet our basic qualifications, and put my instructions and experience to local work and find the funding within your own country, through an existing list of corporations I can provide and knowledge of how to request funding from existing pools! It’s quite possible as I have already established here by myself. It will actually be much easier for you as I know what to do and you have a smaller country with far fewer corporations to request a tap. If you are successful we can help you get more people “onboard” from your own country as we have both multidimensional and exponential benefits to provide with 5D consulting to both our corporate donors, and co consultants through the alignment of Law with legal practices! It’s a sure way to be successful and business practices are evolving, shifting to a more conscious orientation through our consultations! Yes! 


As with most information I share in this blog, I am disclosing only a limited explanation compared to what I know and what miracles can happen by working with 5D consulting. Big benefits for everyone with good and fair business intentions and practices worldwide is the intention and great possibility! Corporate racket ships are bankrupt and sinking in their own ponzi filth, while we are busy raising new continents of consciousness and freedom reaching the stars ✨ Could you be a European liberator or Asian abundance organic seed planter?? With certain qualifications such as spirituality, consciousness, alignment with universal natural Law, reliability, and honesty, I will be looking for many others to work with for a new way of living, with more personal time to work on your own development and healing, consult, help others, and enjoy more financial abundance and freedom! I want to create opportunities to bring us all closer to the ascension. Doing what you love, being healthy, and having more free time and abundance for whatever you need is closer to living in 5D! 

Interested in being one of the Pioneer consultants with 5D? Ready for 5D expansion, surprises, and prizes? Feel free to reach out for an opportunity. ✨ 

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