Just 5% is CRITICAL MASS 🧬☀️♾️


 DNA is a light encoded filament which responds to…consciousness. For each level of consciousness, there is an associated Geometry that completely defines how that specific level of consciousness interprets the reality. Any and all DNA manipulation, and there has been massive, albeit divinely limited, Draco and Annunaki manipulation of surface Human DNA, CAN be completely nullified and reversed through the expansion of consciousness. DNA ACTIVATION. When a change, upgrade, activation, and remembering of a Geometry around the body, in the mental energy field, or in the physical brain occurs, further DNA is awakened, or is it the “new” Geometry activates as the DNA is first reactivated? I’m not sure at this point which comes first. This expansion of consciousness is on the microcosmic individual level initially, and has to do with the rise of overall vibrational frequency. Detoxing from artificial toxins, personal development in our intuitively chosen arts, and maintaining connection to the natural creation are all keys to achieve the quickening. Preplanned from the Divine, key lightworkers and ancient Christos souls are present in not strategic, but Geometrical points in specific locations of population centers, grids, vortexes, and depressed areas where energy activations and vector flow recalibration is necessary. (Yes I said VECTOR, because we most certainly can modify the natural or artificial direction of energy flows, frequencies, fluxes, and pulses through meditative intention, ceremony & ritual, or even our hearts’ toroidal field and spiritual presence alone.) Along our intuitive spiritual path, we each are affected, by our presence, and effect, the energies of any location. So each of us has a very specific individual purpose here, to assist our population to reach the desired critical mass of a certain 5D quality of consciousness which will be sufficient to trigger the compression breakthrough which is the moment when the Agarthans below and our Star family above, are Lawfully empowered to intervene. Our own soul, along with the Prime Creator of our system, Sol himself, are the star players responsible for our ascension. The NPC’s and 4D limited egocentric religious freaks hold merely the illusion of being adversaries, in consciousness. Be yourself as only you can do. Source gave you a unique imprint to take intuitive action and engage as ONLY you can do. So carry on with each movement of your personal mission to uplift others from strength to strength!

Victory of the Divine! 

Victory of Source Love and Light💚🤩🌎 ☀️🧬🪽


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