Beautiful soul. My friend. I have some questions for you. How are you choosing to use your freewill? Where is your consciousness focusing? What thoughts are you generating? What thoughts are you entertaining? Are too many stressful thoughts looping around in your head to effectively form the neuro plasticity of your brain to these unpleasant energies? What does your body tell you? How about your emotions? Do your emotions generally feel enjoyable and light, or troubling and dense? If your thoughts, emotions, and body are not oriented in the way you wish to experience....why are you choosing this for yourself? If you feel the need to cry, find the way to let it all flow out. Release. We are going to let the drama go and shift back into alignment with Source again. May I remind you that you are a divine eternal being of infinite freewill and potential.  

The beauty and power of being in alignment with Source. 

By focusing, pointing, and projecting your consiousness inward and discovering the alignment with Source that you seek, everything on the outside, including the physical and all of it's conditions, will begin to magnificently transform in most positive ways. Being in alignment with Source is a positive state that feels good, and it feels like home, because it is home. Disconnection from Source is not who we truly are, it's simply a down pressed energy vibration and a misdirection of the consciousness. It's a state of confusion! We know we're not aligned with Source when our experiences are stressful, unproductive to our spiritual mission, or go against the yearning of our soul. Instead of seeing beauty and smiles, while disconnected from Source we see negativity, and can experience depression, fear, anger, or even aggression. The laws of frequency, vibration, and manifestation cannot be ignored or put off until later. The laws are constant. Our energy is always in flux. Your energy and consciousness is your own, and you must deal with it and ultimately totally command it. Own it. You don't need to sacrifice anything to warm up your heart and take control of the direction of your consiousness. Just look inside to see what's really going on and take intuitive action. As above so below, AS WITHIN SO WITHOUT. Focus on what you want. Focus on the truth of who you are. Now use imagery, consistent positive thoughts, belief, faith, calm confidence, love, and gratitude to see your world and create from these divine powers. Constantly and consistently monitor your thoughts and emotions and focus on breathing deeply and relaxing your forehead, jaw, and eyes. Now listen to your feelings and intuitive guidance. Being out of alignment with Source will cloud and even block your own higher guidance and messages from your spirit guides and Angels. Anytime you feel stress or worry, realize that you are disconnecting from Source so simply release any worries to reconnect with Source power, clarity, and guidance. Tune your consciousness inside and align with Source. Feel your heartbeats. Listen. You are an extension of Source. You are a sacred part of all that is, all that has ever been, and all that will ever be. Always stay tuned to the truth of who you are. So be it.

Blessings from Source,

Joshua, Your Lightwarrior: My native name is Feels many truths🪶 



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