
Showing posts from September, 2022


The energies of this coming month of October 2022 are going to be game changing, Divine life arranging, and AMAZING. Not so often will I post about the coming alignments or energies, but this next month, and leading into the 11th month November and beyond, are very special. This October can bring big movements and new opportunities. If you feel that your Divine life path is calling for a release and upgrade, this month will be most helpful to guide us to a higher level on every aspect of our being and lifestyle. The Angels and Masters kindly remind us that we are the creators, our thoughts, intentions, beliefs, and expectations will manifest for us. Give any worries over to your Angels and expect wonderful, magical experiences to come into your life. Move from intuitive flow. Choose and create from your spiritual self and highest of ideals. This October will be the time for Faith and Magic...  October blessings💖 The leap of the fall is coming now  Enjoy JK


If the first thing that comes to your mind is that animal medicine is some kind of substance which is harvested from animals to be taken as a medicine, you have a recalibration to attain.   Animals are fully and consciously connected to Source and are not toiling around with their egocentric promptings and desires like we are. Wild animals never worry about money or survival, they have everything they need to survive and thrive. They never stress unless they actually experience a stressful situation, and are not divided by politics and diversity of thought. Animal people are always aligned with Universal Natural Law, while the vast majority of Human people have no clue about these things and are blindly following rules contrived by some other people they don't know and will never meet. Animals are never afraid to die and will light up in their own full individual power whenever they are prompted to do so. They make spiritual contracts with the other animals in the 2D relations...


 I am most highly honored to have been accepted to receive professional Chinese arts and Culture training in 2009-2010 in Miramar, San Diego, Ca from the Lau family who are direct descendants of The Han Dynasty Dragon family royals. They escaped the Chinese Communist regime in the late 19th century and changed their name to Lau after arriving in America to begin a new life of freedom. I honor The Lau family of San Diego, California for sharing their wonderful culture, arts, and knowledge with me and many worthy others who are not Chinese! Chinese astrology does not just come from Humans, it comes from Dragons!🐉       FIRE SNAKE     An intense and masterful snake, active in mind and body, the Fire Snake performs energetically. However, Fire added to the already imposing Snake personality can give him too much passion and ambition. Armed with popular appeal and a charisma that could melt the steeliest of resistance, he exudes self confidence and has an ...


  The voice of Spirit is always kind, encouraging, and empowering. The voice of the archons is always fear based, draining, and negative. It's clear and easy to discern between the two. Allow the voice of Spirit to flow from you to ripple out and uplift others. "I release all resistance to receiving and channeling the full power of my voice placed by myself or others in this lifetime or previous lifetimes" "I am one with my Divine channel and release any restrictions or blocking of the full flow and expression of my voice and the truth of who I am. I release all restrictions and blocks to my throat chakra by me or any others in all dimensional aspects of my being in this now!" "My throat chakra is clear to express my Divine channel of Spirit and full expression of my higher self" "I recognize that my power is my own and no other being has power over me unless I give it away to them" "I am a fully autonomous being infinitely connected to...


Over the past couple of months, I received some relevant, appropriate, and funny personal questions from blog readers that I didn't yet respond to. Email communications from students and all other patrons were generally answered within 1-2 days, but the vast majority of my time was spent outside and away from the cpu and phone so other communication took the backseat. Right now I have the time and am kind of glued to my desk so I thought it would be cool to go ahead and respond on the blog, for fun's sake. Q- Are you in the Military or were you? You have a military haircut.  A- No, I am not and never was in the Military. Dad and Poppa were. I have known other Military people while living in San Diego and was invited to train as a civilian having no criminal record and with my Port of San Diego Airport badge access with a US Navy Pekiti tersia Kali marital arts Master or Grand Tuhon. I shave my head because I have a thin spot on my crown so it looks better. Martial arts wise I a...

Special message to the Tribe

 I woke up from a nice, interesting dream this morning (I really don't have nightmares), took my shower, and got on my yoga mat as usual. Completed a blessed yoga sesh and felt really good. Shortly after I suddenly felt very emotional and stressed for unknown reasons. I couldn't write anything good, being unable to channel my higher self. I felt like crying. It's difficult for me to cry. Years of being conditioned not to cry since I was a boy. I went into the forest and felt like staying there...I prayed. The energies are really intensifying now. It's leading to stored emotions coming to the surface to be cleared...The animals around me are acting differently. They can feel it too. There will be fear and aggression from those who are not aligning with the light. Expose'. The rest of us just need to ground, earth, connect with nature, drink more pure blessed water, and be sure to move our bodies to build a vibration to match these energies. Wow. Major shift and inten...


Howka,      At the beginning of January in 1993 I moved from Washington state to live with my Grandparents near the small village of Zigzag, Oregon on the western base of Mt. Hood in the Cascade range foothills. Towering glacier and snow capped 11,245 foot tall Mt. Hood, known as Wy'east to the Native Americans, commands the landscape and puts out a powerful energy which one just has to experience for themself. Like the majority of prominent mountains, Wy'east is masculine, and He creates his own weather.  The natural creation of this area is BEAUTIFUL beyond words.  Some of the most dense and biodiverse Fir tree forests in the world are found here. Douglas fir, Western Red Cedar, Silver fir, Noble fir, Grand fir, Ponderosa pine, Western Hemlock, Mountain hemlock, Sitka spruce, alder, and ash are just a few of the commonly GIANT trees which make the nature of this area look and feel totally EPIC. It is said that one cannot ever count all of the different shades ...


I was born in the spring of 1977. When I was a baby, the height of disco was going on bigtime, and some of the adults around me (not my parents who were and still are total squares lol) were either secretly or openly having the time of their lives. Disco was about liberation. The disco music has a multi layered trancelike rhythm. Many people perfected their dance techniques, boldly displaying their hip, abductor and core strength gracefully moving to either specifically trained dances, or just letting their spirit shine through to the music, and maybe with the assistance of drugs such as alcohol, cocaine, natural cannabis, or disco biscuits (quaaludes). A little side note before we get all into this- I don't advocate others to use any drugs, artificial substances, or psycho actives. Sure I have smoked plenty of bomb high quality cannabis flowers which I used to work with to aid my initial stiff, unsteady, extremely uncomfortable and awkward yoga work, and I have experienced many ot...


  I want to let you all know that I am working on composing a highly detailed and intricate article about the inner techniques of Hatha Yoga. Every day for the past 11 years now I've taken out an average of an hour or more each day to completely focus on developing my Yoga practice and techniques. I began training in Tibetan Yoga and cosmic chakra navigation with Surat Shabda Yogi Jeff Volk in 2010, and completed my 200 RYT Vinyasa teacher training at Prana Yoga center with a teaching team lead by Gerhard Gessner in La Jolla, Ca in 2015. I have trained extensively in Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, and Kundalini Yoga with over 20 different professional teachers. Toiling, achieving and experiencing many breakthroughs along my Yogic path, I have brought my physical vessel from inflexible and largely immobile, with imbalanced muscularity, lack of solidity, inflammation, belly fat and love handles, unsteady hips, clogged liver and kidneys, with much lower breath capacity to where I am today:...

Knowing vs Believing vs Thinking. Being open to learning and seeing more...

    Knowing comes from two sources, an experiential knowing, and also the knowing from clear intuition, the inner guidance, or gut feeling. The inner guidance is often a fleeting soft whisper which is most often countered immediately by the mind, our thoughts, or the established societal "paradigm" programming of the mainstream narrative. Listening, hearing, and ultimately acting on our inner guidance is kind of like an art to develop in itself. It requires sensitivity, self respect, confidence, and being able to clearly recognize and honor our own intrinsic intelligence.  KNOW.  Knowledge also comes from an education based on truths which can be verified and seen with clear and complete indisputable evidence. A mainstream education from any University is not composed of so many truths, except for example what is seen and experienced learning in a Chemistry or Biology lab looking at micro organisms under a microscope, dissecting a frog, or conducting live chemistry e...

Pictures of Extraterrestrial and advanced propulsion craft will be posted here! (Work in progress)

 These are not my pictures, they have been shared publicly by others. Just starting a compilation which I will add to little by little for you. Some of these may be cloaked ships, or simply higher density craft as they appear to our limited 3D visual spectrum range, and ultimately what the camera lens captured. Enjoy  Pleiadian cruiser near the surface in Taiwan: