Why is our Source Prime Creator not ALL powerful in this realm? (Allowing Source Prime Creator to shine through us)

     The answer to why our Source Prime Creator is not ALL powerful in this particular 3D reality is due to the established and invasive encroachment of the artificial creation. The artificial technology effectively restricts the presence of the divine. Our reality here is now a blending of natural and artificial. This matrix consists of a stationary overlay radiation signal and artificial non etheric geometrical framework which has penetrated and altered the equilibrium, DNA, mental fields, and consciousness of our planet. The present technological radiation fields vibrate at artificial frequencies that create grids of geometry not measured to sacred proportions. The presence of this matrix has brought a de-harmonizing and life draining effect from it's very essence. 

      It is absolutely true that Prime Creator and his trumpet of Angels divinely intervenes, within his own pure natural creation extensions, to thwart and completely stop evil from potentially preying upon his divine Children, Women, and Men. Of course our Creator and our Angels divinely intervene here in this reality as much as they are able to, but are also dealing with the local matrix restrictions. The 3D surface Earth reality we have been toiling with and working to master is part of the ancient Lucifer experiment. Everyone here is aware that our realm has been increasingly merged with the artificial creation. All around and on this world, our atmosphere, and from our moon, exists the signal and subsequent geometrical framework of artificial matrix technology. The energy which drives the matrix is electro-magnetic EMF radiation which is not a part of the ether, so it is not alive. There are many different theories as to how this came to be, and when it all began here. It seems to have come and gone in cycles, as divine cycles and the rotations of celestial mechanics guides and ultimately drives all Creation. The fall and subsequent catastrophe of the civilization of Atlantis ended with a flood, which wiped away, crushed, deactivated, nullified, and ultimately cleansed the Earth of artificial technology, at least on the planetary surface. 

     Where can the most pure Source divine energies be found on our planet today?  First of all, INSIDE OF US. Outside of us, the most pure energies are of course found within the natural creation. Get away away from "civilization", be prepared, take all appropriate safety measures, and soak it all up. Remember that nature here in our reality can potentially be even more dangerous than our big cities. Be sure not to get lost, step into a hole and sprain your ankle, fall, or drown. When swimming be careful not to get caught on debris such as a log with branches hidden just underneath the surface and be pulled under as the log can shift from the contact. Look at maps online for cell phone towers and situate yourself as far away from them as you can. In certain remaining pure areas, the matrix is weak and one may be able to tune into or even see into the higher realms! Also we have areas of existing vortices which can catapult our consciousness to much higher planes of existence. Follow your intuition and curiosity, just be safe and well prepared. I go into the ocean for a cleanse  nearly every day, safely, and not usually past the breakers, unless I am on my board. This is my main lifestyle connection to source outside of myself, and the breaking waves, white sea foam, and negative ions do the most effective work to clear any of my dense emotions that my yoga practice cannot clear. When in the ocean we are connected to all of the wonderful natural life and elements in the entire body of water! It's the ultimate for me! I know the waters, respect the power, and am always focused and won't go in if I feel it's a dangerous time.      

 Each of us at the soul level has agreed to play a role in this experiment here and now. Some of us have chosen to become more disconnected from Source natural creation and experience the artificial as a more direct physical merging, through either our own interests, or from personally refusing to safeguard and create personal barriers from it. Others like myself have chosen to stay as natural as possible while still gaining experience within the matrix sub reality. It's easier for me to see the more holistically balanced people as way showers. However, the individuals and groups who choose to merge with Lucifer are also showing a way. It's not a way that I am a fan of, but it's still their choice, their way. Programming, indoctrination, convenience, normalcy, deception, propaganda, ignorance, arrogance, and fear has been dealt here in order to get the masses to buy into the luciferian religion and agenda, purchase their patented toxic products, take their transhumanist vax, consistently consume and use artificial ingredients in and on our bodies, spend all day in the wifi field staring at and inputing energy, mind, and consciousness into the technology screens, etc. It seems like the easier way, but it's a much more health depleting, lonely, and depressing experience. It's certainly not easy. The artificial creation is always unhealthy as it directly prevents homeostasis. It's lifeless and draining. Yet, here these people still are full of nanobots, radiation, artificial colors and flavors, pharmaceuticals, wearing artificial clothing fibers, and bathing in a chlorine gas filled, toxic dead water shower every day. It does require great will power to keep surviving like that. The holistic people in contrast choose to use our will power to create balance, spending time and effort exercising, developing in the arts, being in nature, and filtering out as much of the artificial as possible. We read ALL of the food labels, filter our water, use natural bed sheets, cotton or hemp clothing, maybe we have natural spectrum light bulbs, go barefoot, cleanse in natural bodies of water as often as possible, etc. We have expanded awareness and heightened sensitivity. Some of us unplug our Wi-Fi each night before bed, and sleep with our chosen rocks and crystals under our pillows for a nightly dose of healing medicine from our sacred technology. We notice the chemtrails and know what their toxic concoctions consist of, we stay far away from doctors, know how to maintain our own health, and choose to cook our own food from scratch rather than conveniently use the microwave or grab some cheap fast "food" (full of technology and artificial ingredients). This way is also very will power oriented. It takes much more work to become aware of all this and get a natural lifestyle dialed in. It requires great self respect and care for our missions, and it costs a lot more money. In return we can enjoy the feeling of greater health, vibrancy, clarity, and personal autonomy. We are all aware of the artificial creation here, and those of us who have best maintained our intrinsic holistic being, CAN BE GREATER CHANNELS of our Creator's divine energies to broadcast into the 3D Earth matrix sub-reality. Please remember though, EACH ONE of us is a soul particle extension of Prime Creator, and WE ALL have the ability and choice to allow Source to work through us. Concentrate on who you really are, as an Angel infiltrating the matrix to shine your cosmic love through, to raise the vibration, to share bright light, joy, laughter, compassion, and gratitude. Build, nurture, and share your divine energies. Let's do the work of God and Goddess here and now. The matrix is not alive, it can't ever take away who we truly are, it can only confuse and possibly weaken our signal and connection with Source. The matrix is an lifeless illusion. You are a lawful living being of eternal love and infinite light. So keep it real. Choose to use your freewill to allow the Divine Power of Prime Creator to flow down from your higher self through to your physical body, to animate you, drive you, work through you, and be the main Source of creation for your life, because we are not ever going to be separate from him.  

From the Love and Light of our One Infinite Holy Source, Prime Creator, in the name of Christ.


Your Brother,


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